Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


where have you gone, time?

July 25 2007
1.) today was a hard day. but after a nice refreshing cold shower, i feel alright... that and some added comfort food like mac-n-cheese and chocolate ice cream :-)
2.) i realized i am horrible at responding to emails. 
3.) i think it is funny that i am both organized and messy.
4.) old people are funny and i will miss them when i leave
5.) i am thinking i need to seriously start a to-do list....
6.) tomorrow.
7.) hello, my name is rachael, and i am a procrastinator. 


July 26 2007
I know what you mean by being organized and messy, though I'm more like only somewhat organized and not so much messy as a pack rat.... ha ha. And I've been terrible this summer about putting off things I've been wanting to do...


July 26 2007
i'm messy and organized. and i hate how i procrstinate all the time.