Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


Happy Valentine's Day!

February 13 2006
I know that Valentine's Day can be sad. Trust me, I have been there pretty much my entire life up unitl now! So I wanted to remind you girls of some of God's awesome truths!

"Do not arouse or awaken love until is so desires." -Song of Songs 3:5

"For your Maker is your husband." -Isaiah 54:5

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you in with loving-kindness." -Jeremiah 31:3

"The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord." -Psalm 45:11

And here is something amazing!!!

"When I close my eyes and throw my head back with laughter As I
step up to dance with you, my tiny hand in your infinite one. My steps
so clumpsy compared to your grace. The music begins and we step onto
the floor my grip tightens, Knowing I will fall but also knowing that
you will guide me. And the music swells roaring in my ears until I am so enrapture That I can't look at anyone but you. My hands and feet are poised for the next step, my head up, A smile of love on my face, and my eyes locked with yours... And then maybe, maybe
then I will not even notice when you turn to one of your sons and
invite him to dance with me."

ahhh I love it. Just be so satisfied and so wrapped up in Him. Honestly He is all that matters. Remember He is the One. Don't let anybody be number one, let them always be number two. Wait for God's best, he will bring it--- trust that promise! But in your time of waiting don't be anxiously awaiting that day, but be so wrapped up in God, always seeking after His heart and spending time with Him. Yes, waiting is the hardest thing, because most of us lack that kind of patience. It is hard to trust in things you cannot see yet, but "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do no see" (Hebrews 11:1). God is faithful and he will give you all the strength you will ever need. And know it is not supposed to be easy, because if it was you wouldn't need Him.

So, I hope all of you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. And remember all of you have the absolute BEST valentine ever!!! God has all these guys beat. Seriously. He is the inventor of love. Oh yeah. He knows all about it. Girls, we are pretty lucky! So, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

kim and dani

February 14 2006
thanks rachael


February 14 2006

Andrea Leigh

February 14 2006
Thank you for that...thats awesome!

elizabeth duncan

February 14 2006
I like that dancing thing...what is it from?