Rachael Moore


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You're going to think I'm crazy but...

January 20 2006
I do believe I just heard turkies outside my house. Crazy I know. But it sure sounds like one or some are gobbling away outside my window. ahahahahahahaha. Hopefully its not the turkey call of death and before I know it I will be pecked at by crazy turkies....

.... or maybe this is just a little sign I am very stressed and need some rest

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

January 20 2006
i like to eat turkey


January 20 2006
I wouldn't be surprised- I saw turkeys walking around outside my apartment last year, so we know they're around here somewhere!

Nathan Moore

January 20 2006
haha... seriously. i think you are crazy...


January 20 2006
lol :o) aww that's great!