Rachael Moore


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Truthful Thinking

January 17 2006
In John 8:31-32, Jesus told His followers, "If you continue in My word, you really are My disiples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."

Truthful thinking is defining myself by what God's Word says about me. It is looking at myself and the world around me through Jesus' eyes. The Bible tells us that we are remarkably and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), that we are loved by God and were bought with a price so we could have fellowship with Him (John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 7:23)... Our tired and pessimistic spirit tells us we're not worth the effort; the world tells us to empower ourselves with positive self-talk. But Jesus assures us that we are loved by Him and created for His glory, and this truth will set us free. 

-Rachel Evans, taken from Journey

Ah that is so awesome! Just what I needed to read! God's truth will indeed set us free! You are not defined by this world or by circumstances, you are defined by God and Him alone. That is the truth. Let this set you free. We were not made to be held captive by anything. Seek God's truth and let Him set you free! The truth is so imporant in every aspect of our lives.

Sara Shaban

January 17 2006
i like this


January 17 2006
amen to that! all of that! it's exactly what i needed too!

Haley Farist

January 18 2006
Thanks for the comments and concern ,I am not mad , and all just blahh,,,,,I love u and I talk to you soon HAVE A GREAT DAY