kaitlin gay
my Jesus, deep conversations, volleyball, having fun, black and white pictures, art, coloring books, laughing, scrapbooking, sewing, my sisters, friends, laying out, running, waffle house at 3 AM, looking at the stars, old movies, being crazy with my friends, anything creative, bubble baths, flip flops, anything vintage, big earings, romantic things make me MELT, i love playing in the rain and snow♥, but the beach is my favorite place.. ever
Favorite Music
country is my favorite.. and Rascal Flatts are the best!, im starting to like 80's!!, but honestly-i like anything except hardcore-death-screaming music
Favorite Movies
a walk to remember and cinderella are my favorites, disney movies are the best (when im in the mood for them).. i love cuddling up and watching a movie late at night or when its raining =), action/war movies are pretty good, scary movies are fun!! (ha..), but romantic ones are the best
Favorite Books
i love reading when im in the mood to.. the bible is my favorite, followed by mostly anything
Other Websites
June 25 2006
so my daddy went running at the VA last night.
he kinda brought home a present..
the dog followed him the entire time he was running and daddy said, "he just couldnt leave him there.." this is the SAME man that hasnt let us have a dog because we are gone all the time.
hes so ugly, hes cute.
i guess hes growing on me.
Lord help us all.
Garrett Haynes
June 25 2006
I love him! Well just to prove you wrong here's a short list (about 30%) of the things we are responsible for at work. We dont' just clean toilets u know, that's only a minor part of the job. We have to clean the entre preschool (vacuum, mop, sweep, get trash, clean all sinks, whipe down all tables, vacuum halls, clean all bathrooms). We have to clean all the restrooms in the church, we have to clean the entire sactuary (vacuum between every pew and everywhere where there's carpet, not to mention pulling all the bulletins that uncareing people like yourself leave behind on sunday morning), we have to buff the fellowship hall (which is like polishing the entire floor) and then set up the walls, and then set up tables and chairs and podiums in all the rooms, clean AO (vacuum, set up for sunday), ummm what else...oh yeah...vacuum the first floor halls, umm not to mention we do cleaning projects like vacuum out and dust the ceiling vents, oh yeah and we are also responsible for calling security services if the fire alarm or church alarm goes off (which we have to set), and we have to shut that down too, and also if the sprinkler system were to go off, we would have to run around to 3 different zones in the church to shut them off in a very complicated specific order. Basically, we take care of the entire church. Just because we have fun on the job doesn't mean we goof off all day. We get the job done. Maybe you should be more appreciative of what we do kaitlin gay!!!! I love you but don't ever tell me that we dont' get anything done b/c that is a boldface <b>LIE.</b>Ok well that is just a small portion of the job. Well i love u and have a great day!!! Sorry the comment was so long, but it was necessary.