The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

February 17 2006
This is probably the best music video I've ever seen:

It just got worse!

February 16 2006
What am I doing with my life. I just saw a really good friend of mine from middle school's facebook profile. He's in England, and is going to Oxford. He's studying mathematics and philosophy. What am I doing with my life? I'm stuck in Murfreesboro studying Theatre. Of course, I'm happy for Andy, he was always the smarter one, but still... I got dumber in high school.  What do you expect?

What happened today?

February 16 2006
Today started off so great.  I helped give out free coffee outside the BCM this morning.  I got to work on the lights at school.  When I got back to the B, though, I started thinking.  I hate it when I start thinking. I suddenly remembered every bad thing that's happened to me in the past five years and I got really depressed all of a sudden.  Of course, my Mom getting sick didn't help either.  I just found out a few minutes ago that she didn't have a stroke.  They're still not exactly sure what happened, but they have an idea.  Anyway, today, I started praying and I think God really spoke to me today.  My relationship with Him isn't exactly what it should be, but I'm going to work on it.  I just wish there was an in depth Bible study that I could go to sometime.  I miss my old Sunday School class.  I don't go to Sunday School because the Deaf Church doesn't have one for me.  I don't go to the hearing Sunday School for three reasons. 1, a long time ago, I went to the college class and I wasn't exactly impressed.  They talked mostly about cars and clothes and other stuff that I really don't care about.  It seemed more like a social event rather than a Bible study.  2, I went on a retreat with the college class and we didn't even open our Bibles and nobody talked to me for the entire weekend.  I thought that was just stupid.  I go on retreats to grow closer to God, not to socialize.  Of course I really wasn't socializing because nobody talked to me... Oh, well.  It doesn't matter anymore. 3, It's at the same time as the Deaf Church.  I love the Deaf Church because I can see that God is working there, the pastor is one of the most Godly men I know, and I've always felt loved there.  I pray that God will continue to bless BBDC.


February 15 2006
I just found out yesterday night that my Mom might have had a stroke. Please pray for her.

Who was St Valentine?

February 06 2006

    I found this article on the history channel website.  I thought it might be appropriate for this time of year.  One thing I have discovered about Valentine's Day is that you should always remember your First True Love, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who demonstrated the greatest act of love the world has ever known.

“The History of Valentine's Day"
"Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.    
    According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.”

-From the

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

February 04 2006

    When I first got my Apple computer, I thought OS X 10.3 was simply amazing after using Windows my entire life.  Now, I'm using OS X 10.4 and I'm completely blown away.  I love Dashboard!  There's infinate possibilities in such a simple concept as widgets.  I was playing really old games on Dashboard like Frogger and Minesweeper (I still need to download pong and asteroids), and you can look stuff up on using a widget.  There's also widgets that show your system status, buddy list, the weather, etc.  I could go on for a very long time.  It's simply amazing.  Another program, Spotlight is pretty cool too.  I've been using it a lot.  It's kind of a search thing that only takes a few seconds to find anything on your hard drive, and it's conveniently located on the taskbar.  To summarize, Mac OS X 10.4 is the same to Windows XP as XP is to Windows 95. 

I miss cartoons

February 04 2006
I miss old cartoons.  Whatever happened to good quality cartoons?  Is Family Guy the best they can come up with nowadays?  Where are the Saturday morning cartoons we all grew up with and loved?  I'm talking about cartoons like Jetsons, Flintstones, Looney Toons, Animaniacs, Transformers, Popeye, Inspector Gadget, and Scooby Doo.  This (Saturday) morning I was looking for some cartoons and the cartoons I found were all anime.  What happened to American cartoons?  What are TV networks thinking?  Do they really think kids like this stuff?  Think about it, all the cartoons I mentioned above were enjoyed by several generations of children, and even many adults as well.  Modern children's programming is lucky if it lasts two seasons.  One day I hope to own many DVDs with old, good cartoons on them so that my children can enjoy them.


January 30 2006
Well, here I am, waiting for my keyboarding class to start.  Sorry it took so long to make an entry on here.  My computer broke, and I can't get on phusebox on the BCM computer.  Anyway, I've been really bored lately, and anybody that wants to hang out or do something, needs to call me.  I'll try to make a longer entry on here later.  Godspeed!

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler

January 06 2006
I just found out that my Dad had a nightmare where he was wrestling with Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler.


December 30 2005
Wow, it's been too long since my last blog entry.  Of course, Phusebox was down, so there really wasn't anything I could about it.  Anyway, I hope every had a Merry Christmas, and will have a happy New Year.  I've been for the most part, really really bored.  I wish school would hurry up and start again.  I miss all my friends.  Anyway, I had a pretty good Christmas.  I got the new Battlestar Galactica DVDs, a bread machine, Star Wars Risk, and some flashlights.  Other than that not much has been going on.  Just hanging around.

Wild at Heart

December 13 2005

I was reading this book Jessica got me, and I just finished the first
chapter and it's already starting to change my life. It's called Wild
at Heart. It's really good. It makes me want to be something different
from what the world, and even the church expects me to be. I want to be
something more than a simple nice guy. It makes me want to be a knight,
a soldier, a warrior, a man fighting for a cause he believes is right.
A man who is courageous, valiant, unafraid of anything that the world
throws at him. I want to be a man that will stand his ground even when
it seems that all hope is lost. I also want to be a good man. This book
made me want to go out in to the woods alone and go camping for a few


December 10 2005

I volunteered to paint the backdrop for the pictures for the formal at
the BCM. I worked on it Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I painted it blue and then spattered it with white paint to make it look like snow. I thought it looked pretty good. Then of course we had Christmas Manna on Thursday. Manna is the worship service that the BCM. Anyway, Amanda and I signed the Doxology for that. It was fun. Amanda made me twirl her after the song was over. Tricia was supposed to sign with us but she couldn't make it. I still think it's really cool that Amanda, who is blind, wants to be a part of an American Sign Language praise team. Of course, Tricia is also visually impaired, and that's cool, too. I wonder why I can't get anybody that can see to join it... Oh well. I wish I knew some Deaf people at MTSU. Anyway, on Friday, I set up the lights for the Christmas banquet. I also hung the sails. And hung the Christmas lights. I broke on of the Fresnels that the BCM has, but I can fix it. I just need a new lamp. I'm also going to talk to Amber about a cheap way we can improve the lighting at the BCM. Anyway, Friday night was the actual banquet. It was good. I wanted to go by myself, so I didn't have a date. I had fun. During the banquet, Daniel told Amanda to hit me with a pillow, and a pillow fight started. She said she didn't think I'd fight back. Well, I did. Everybody liked the coat I wore. Then on Saturday, I helped with Habitat for Humanity. After that week, I was hurting so bad, I could hardly stand up. It was great though.

Then last week, I had some of my blind friends come over to teach me how to cook.  It was a lot of fun.  It was also my birthday so they brought me a cake and stuff.  Jessica got Elizabeth to make me a cake, so now I have two cakes.  If anybody wants to come over and have some birthday cake, just write me. 

True Love

November 08 2005
Tonight, I started thinking about love. I know I don't have it, at
least not in a romantic sense. I know I don't need it in a romantic
sense, but I still want it, romantically. Why? What's so great about
it? Is it just horomones? Does it really matter? Why does my heart hurt
when I think so much about it? I think about the one and only time in
my life that I was truly in love with a girl. There was no lust, I
remember that much. I could just think about her smile, and I would be
happy. Just remembering that I was the one that she smiles about filled
my heart with an unspeakable amount of joy. It was just us and God.
Nobody and nothing else mattered. Then I remember when our love was
broken. I couldn't bring myself to eat for a week, and even after that,
I had to force myself to eat because food had become tasteless and dull
without her love. This kind of love is what I seek, not physical
pleasure, but spiritual closeness. This is the kind of love that I
cannot find. A few days ago, I helped a friend plan a date for her
boyfriend. From what I heard, her boyfriend loved it. Why is it that I
can help someone plan one of the most romantic dates they've ever been
on, while I'm stuck sitting at home watching TV? I guess it's the same
with lighting, I can light up a great show and give the audience one of
the most spectacular shows they've ever seen, but I'm not the one on
stage. Nobody knows that I spent days, even weeks, staying up late at
night running between the lift and console, focusing and refocusing,
until every light and every shadow is exactly where it needs to be.
When the show opens, all the work that I've poured my heart and soul
into is hardly noticed, and all the glory goes to the actors or
musicians on stage. This is how it should be. The same can be said for
my friend. The same can even be said for my walk with Christ. I must
let my light shine before men, but my light is only a poor reflection
of the true Light of the World. I myself, am doing my job. The less
acknowledgement I get, the more I know that I'm doing my job well. So,
I suppose that I should take heart, and not be concerned with other
people and their love interests, but should do what I know in my heart
that I need to do. What I need to do, now, is to reflect the light and
love of God to all men. Still, it would be nice to not feel so lonely

Rocky Horror Picture Show

November 04 2005
Well... what can I say. I volunteered to run a followspot for Rocky
Horror at the MTSU theatre. I've never seen it before, and I wish I
hadn't. It's cheesy. It's stupid. It's just wrong! However, the
technical aspect of it is awesome. I've never seen a show quite like
it, and i hate to say it, but it may inspire some things that I might
like to try in church one day. I've got a few of the songs stuck in my
head. This is gonna scar me for life...

Yes Lord!

November 04 2005
Okay, so here's a story about me a few years ago. My church had just
built a new sanctuary. We were having some trouble with the new
technical systems, especially with the video screens. So anyway, I was
sitting behind the lighting booth, either praying or reading my Bible
during a church service, when both of the video screens suddenly start
acting weird and switch off. I just kinda ignore it and go back to what
I was doing. Suddenly, I hear this voice. "Michael," it whispered,
"Michael!" Thinking that it is the Almighty I look up and ask, "yes
Lord?" Then I hear it again, "Michael!" Then I look back and see the
technical director standing behind the camera. He asks me to run the
camera while he fixes the problem with the video screens.

Mal's Song

October 25 2005
All my friends are posting songs on their blogs, so I thought I'd post
one of my favorites. It's called Mal's Song. It's based on the TV
series Firefly and the movie Serenity. If you haven't seen Serenity,
you need to. It's an awesome movie. This is it:

Mal's Song

When the stars shine bright through the engine's trail

And the dust of another world drops behind

When my ship is free of the open sky

It's a damn good day to my way of mind

There's a barren planet you never can leave

There's a rocky valley where we lost a war

There's a cross once hung round a soldier's neck

There's a man's faith died on Serenity's floor

But I stood my ground and I'll fly once more

It's the last oath that I ever swore


Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care, I'm still free

You can't take the sky from me

Take me out into the black

Tell 'em I ain't comin' back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

You can't take the sky from me

When you see a man and he's standin' alone

Well you might just take him for an easy mark

And there's many a man has tried his hand

And there's worse than wolves in the borderland dark

From the savage men to the government hounds

Try to take what's yours and tear you through

But them that run with me's got my back

It's a fool don't know that his family's his crew

Don't you tell me what I cannot do

Don't you think I've got to run from you


When you've walked my road and you've seen what I've seen

Well you won't go talkin' 'bout righteous men

You'll know damn well why I want to keep to my sky

Never cry 'neath nobody's heel again

I've seen torment raked 'cross innocent souls

Seen sane men mad and good men die

I've been hounded, hated, married and tricked

Been tortured, cheated, shot and tied

You won't see no tears when I say goodbye

I've still got my family and my Firefly

by Michelle Dockrey, (c) 2004

chorus from "Ballad of Serenity" by Joss Whedon (c) 2002

Dropping English

October 20 2005
     My English teacher told me to drop English.  At least I'm not going to fail this time.  Third time's a charm, right?


October 17 2005
Things are going better.  I'm just hanging out at the house playing games and watching TV.  Most of the drama is over, I hope.  I suddenly got a strange urge for Turkish food.  Unfortunately, the only Turkish restaurant I know of is in Nashville.  


October 12 2005
I think things are going a little bit better, now. I took my best friend to see Serenity last night. I thought it was pretty good, but she hated it. She complained the entire time. It was kinda hard to follow, but I liked it. It had a very original story. There was almost too much action, but by the time it was over, most of it made sense. One thing I liked about it is the good guys aren't invincible. Only one of them doesn't get shot. It's pretty realistic for a sci-fi movie.


October 10 2005
Last week was probably one of the worst in my entire life. Also, my best friend is probably hurting really bad right now. I'm going to talk to her as soon as I get the chance to make sure she's doing okay. Why is that everybody has to hurt everybody else? I don't get it. What is the point of telling somebody something and then changing your mind two day later? I just don't understand.