I miss cartoons

February 04 2006
I miss old cartoons.  Whatever happened to good quality cartoons?  Is Family Guy the best they can come up with nowadays?  Where are the Saturday morning cartoons we all grew up with and loved?  I'm talking about cartoons like Jetsons, Flintstones, Looney Toons, Animaniacs, Transformers, Popeye, Inspector Gadget, and Scooby Doo.  This (Saturday) morning I was looking for some cartoons and the cartoons I found were all anime.  What happened to American cartoons?  What are TV networks thinking?  Do they really think kids like this stuff?  Think about it, all the cartoons I mentioned above were enjoyed by several generations of children, and even many adults as well.  Modern children's programming is lucky if it lasts two seasons.  One day I hope to own many DVDs with old, good cartoons on them so that my children can enjoy them.