
August 21 2006
Henry is a stuffed animal that stands at about 2 1/2 inches and is about 6 inches long.  He is a skunk with a bushy tail, and a nose you would die for.  He stands in a room I've never seen or been in, as protection from a cat who once tried to tear him apart.  I bought this for you the weekend of our first week because I thought you were amazing.. I saw him in the gift shop of the Henry Horton hotel and just had to buy him.  After being chased by an actual skunk while talking to you.. it was the only choice.

For a month and twelve days, you were my rock.  With my life moving so quickly, I knew I could call you for just a moment to relax.  And now you're gone.. I know not entirely what went wrong.  I'm hurt and confused and constantly going back and forth on what i should do next..

You say it's not my fault and that everything was going fine..  You said we'd be together for a while and that you couldn't imagine breaking up with me.. Nor I you..  So now I sit and ask,"What Happened?"

I'm still crazy about you.. and I still hope for the best... But as I sit here at this early morning hour.. I ask myself,"Will I ever get to hold her hand again?"....

I know God will take care of it... But for the time.. it doesn't take the pain away..


August 21 2006
dude this is deep. i dont know you, but too bad this girl cant see and read this entry. im sorry that things ended like that ..i would definitely be confused 2. all i can say is let God be your rock.

Trena Doyle

August 22 2006
I'm sorry Aaron that things didn't work out so well, but hold your head up and things will get better. Maybe after college starts it won't be so hard. Just have fun, get involved with other groups, (like the band for you) and hand over all your troubles to God and things will just come easier.