my past...

April 14 2006

You left something undone, it's now your rerun
It's the one you can't erase
You should have made it right, so you wouldn't have to fight
To put a smile back on your face
You fall away from your past
But it's following you
You fall away
Something I've done that I can't outrun
Maybe you should wait maybe you should run
But there's something you've said that can't be undone-the fray

this song it just...fits
in a way
in a celia way

last night was fun
on the phone
i think i have a date with him

brownie batter

April 12 2006

a sigh;;;&all lets loose
         honesty;;;&all is lost
simple words, big meanings
         accident;;;breaking hearts
didn't mean to, didn't want to
        forgiveness? a maybe
lifted up, ready to step away
        it'll be good;;;it's whats right
now the words linger in the air
        &hate lingers in the ear
love is on the lips of two strangers;;;once bound by the feelings
        well-being means more;;;sanity means more
living means most
       & the way it was;;;took life out, out
this path hurts;;;but not as much
      moving on;;;it's the time
a sigh started the page;;;&honesty closes it
     a trace of love lingers

but does not matter

i just made mm mm brownie batter. haha

mr. right

April 11 2006

i have a picture of mr right
he's perfect
in my mind
a drawing mind you
he doesn't exist
or i haven't met him

so i'm new to this
help me with it?