Seafood, Brooklyn, and Ice Cream

June 10 2005
Wow. What a night. I am sitting here in my apartment, my feet are throbbing, and I am exhausted.

I just spent the last 4 hours WALKING all over southern Manhattan.

Lane, Ellie, my sister Bethany, and I all started the night by going to a great seafood restaurant called the Paris (and had to walk through the foul smelling fish markets to get there). However, there was a guy at the bar in the next room that kept saying "ARRRRR!" like a pirate. It cracked us up every single time.

After we ate, we decided it would be fun to go up on the Brooklyn bridge. Little did we know, even though we were almost right under the bridge when we left the restaurant, we had to walk a LONG ways to the end of the bridge. We finally found the ped. walkway and walked ALL THE WAY TO BROOKLYN.

So, in Brooklyn, we decided to get ice cream and found this little grocery store called the Pea ?Something? and we each got a PINT of ice cream. On the way back, we walked back over the bridge, while every once in a while, rotating ice cream bins with each other to try a new flavor.

We walked ALL the way back across and found this really cool place right next to City Hall and the NYPD and we sat on a bench and talked. Finally, we treked home, but not before trying to catch subways that did not come, pitching pennies into rat holes, and running to catch subways that were not ours.

All in all, I am exhausted but it is definitely the most fun that I have had since I moved here!!! Whew! and all of it was pretty spur of the moments... even walking to Brooklyn to get ice cream.

The view of the city from the bridge is AMAZING. All I had was my camera phone, but I will upload those photos later.

My sister is going back home tomorrow so I have to get up fairly early to get her to the airport. It was really great to spend one last awesome night with her!

I think I am going to have fun here.

***EDIT*** and earlier today, Bethany and I went to Chinatown and then walked in Central Park. Which was highlighted by Bethany telling the sketch artists that "The sketches are good..." as we walked past.


June 10 2005
WOW Nate that sounds like one of those surreal "perfect" nights where for one moment everything just seems right in the world... gotta love those times! I can't believe you are really in New York! It is so exciting!!! I'm glad you are enjoying it!

Sara Shaban

June 10 2005
sounds absolutely amazing...simply amazing


June 11 2005
feelin kinda jealous... :)


June 11 2005
i wish i could visit new york... how do you convert pnj. files to jpg?


June 11 2005
you're a popular man. I cant go anywhere on here with out seeing you!!!!