Google Talk is Live

August 23 2005

Google Talk, Google's much anticipated and rumored instant messaging client was released just minutes ago. With a Jabber open-source backend, Google Talk is able to communicate not only with other Google Talk users but also several chat systems such as the highly populated AIM.

Google also is audio chat enabled, rivaling Skype networks. This voice chat feature is sure to catch on quickly and with Google's advanced R&D, it is almost certain to blow Skype and other similar services from existence.

This is yet another move that will put Google head to head with other companies in technologies other than search.

Head over to Google Talk to download the Google Talk chat client.

And if you want a stock tip, Google Stock  shows no signs of slowing down even at $279.58 per share. This stock will continue to go up until Google pulls the plug on their R&D center (which does not look like will happen for quite some time). Funny how a few college students can turn a small search project into one of the largest companies on the planet.

Matt Beck

August 23 2005
dang, you beat me to the blog

Matt Beck

August 23 2005
dang, you beat me to the blog

Garreth \"Karate Explosion\" Blackwell

August 23 2005
it makes me have hope for my magazine. i need that.

Rebekah Minor

August 24 2005
i personally, really like that book...i read it...then read it again...then i wrote a paper on, im reading it again. i dont know. maybe i can relate to it, maybe it makes me feel better about my life, but i like it.


August 25 2005
you are so cool ... lol and i dont even know you .. -elizabeth

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

August 25 2005
heh thanks.