How Great is Our God!

July 07 2005
The sunset was amazing tonight, at least the part I got to see. Isn't it incredible how much brighter everything seems to be after a good rain? I have decided that when the sun stays out to play in the rain it is truly a beautiful thing. I was kind of in a quiet, contemplative mood this afternoon. Because of my mood state I wasn't all for working tonight, but I was attempting to make the best of it, sort of. Anyway it was neat because just as I was coming back from break and hoping to go home the head cashier came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go home early! Thanks God! It was a sweet gift.

So getting to go home from work early AND seeing the sunset probably top as my high for today. My low: getting a paper cut while at work.

When I was spending time with God today I found Psalm 104 and it was incredible. I SUPER encourage you to read it because it just puts things into perspective. Pretty much the whole Psalm is praising God for how Great He is and how He has created everything and how specific He was in doing so and also His Great provision for all that He has created. The rivers and ravines and birds and donkeys, etc. have all been provided for and are without want or need. It is neat to see how everything, the oceans, mountains, birds, donkeys, etc. all rely on God for life, the ablity to move, and breathe, and be. All these things and then He makes time for us because He loves us. This Psalm just reminded me of how BIG God is because I think it is so easy for me to put Him in a box and place a pretty bow on top for my own comprehension. Praise God that He alone can blow the top off that box and reveal to us His Great majesty and glory which should cause us to honor and give all glory to Him.

lauren i.

July 08 2005
yay! another entry! :) paper cuts hurt! those little cuts are the worst!

lauren i.

July 08 2005
and AMEN on that last sentence! :D praise the LORD! praise the LORD!