the real world

April 07 2006
so we're back in the real world now. one where people are going to suuround us with their spring break stories.. are you ready? am i ready? this week has benn very interesting for me.. i left my school with not giving much attention to how worldly everyone is.. i was letting things slide and lowering my standards of how to live because i had gotten so used to it. i was in a state of shock when i came back.. people tellling me stories and me getting sick to my stomach. i had been in a place surrounded by Christ and forgot how bad the world really was. i encourage you, brothers and sisters in Christ, to not lose your focus. to let your school, as alex lewis said, be your mexico. let every class be a new village and share Jesus with those who "are running around frantically trying to find Him." when you see someone slipping, remind them of mexico and be there when they need you the most. i encourage you to have a strong spirit and not let the things of the world bring you down.. be around those things is inevitable, but remember that we are "not of this world". i love you all.. have a delightful weekend!

kaitlin gay

April 07 2006
so true, my love.. so true! i love you!! you are just amazing =) stay strong--im praying for you

Chris Berry

April 07 2006
You are so right! "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." 1 Peter 2:11-12 You know im always praying for you!

Ben Moser

April 07 2006
very good entry. i enjoyed reading it, and it is very true.