A random Blog

September 19 2005
This is gonna be totally random.

I took some pictures of WIshes(a magical celebration of disney dreams) last night from West Clock(where I catch the bus home). though it's not from in front of the castle, it's still cool. kinda funny that i've only been here a month and I can pick parts of the music out based on what fireworks are in the air. . .by January I'll be able to sing the whole song along with the show. . .

I have determined what i'm really really afraid of. please, don't laugh. . . all my life we use a bucket in the sink to do dishes, that way, if the water sits too long, you can just pour it out w/o touching it. . .well. my roomies don't like this philosophy, so they've removed the bucket my mom purchased when she brought me down here. . .and I've come to the conclusion, that I can't touch cold dirty dishwater. . .I can usually touch it if it's hot, but not cold. . .don't laugh

I have Wednesday and Thursday off this week. I might go to the beach. and then. for the weekend i'm supposed to come home, i definetly was given a 10 hour shift on saturday. dang scheduler. . .i guess i'll be calling in sick that weekend. b/c the plane tickets are already bought.

well that is all, have a magical day! (b/c Lord knows mine is gonna be full of magic :: rolls eyes ::)

oh, and nathan, I love how if i accidently hit back on my browser and then forward to come back to my post, i don't lose it all(knock on wood!)