for once this post looks a lot cooler on xanga

September 11 2005
Oh my gosh, these little christians are sooooo dang rude, annoying, and slutty.

yes my friends. christians. Never in my life have I encountered more obnoxious people. and you'd think. honestly. it's a Jesus event.

To the teens and NBYG alumni that read this. . .it makes everything Skid says about how to act in public with the group valid. . . . But on the bigger scale.

Like, I was always well behaved when I went on those trips with the group. but now, working on the other side of the fence, I realize that the biggest problem the church has(this being, all christian organizations, not just the CoC) is that we don't watch are actions in public, nor do we take into consideration that the world never stops watching.

take a minute and stand on the other side of the fence.

also, As I was leaving work tonight. someone asked me where to buy alcohol.

yes sir, someone asked where to buy beer at a christian event.