Cingular Eat my face!!

September 03 2005
so I called Cingular again today, b/c I soooo convientiently dropped my phone in the pool.

well this time, I talked to a man.

HE told me that there is actually a one year warrenty on the phone, not just 30 days. So this guy said "let me transfer you to the return by mail department, and here is the number in case you get disconnected" he proceeds to give me a number for that department. a number that I'd been given like 2 days before, I informed the man of this. I told him that I was transferred to that department a few days before, was hung up on, had to dial that number, was transfered to another department, had to wait in a queue line and then told I was gonna get called back when I had the opportunity to talk to a manager. needless to say I was never called back. After I spilled this story to this man, he was like. . .hold on a second, let me get a form. He got a form, filled it out, and I'm getting a new phone for free on Wednesday.

ha! cingular, eat my face!