I'm not to sure about this. . .

January 29 2006
Still unemployed. . .

been doing odd jobs for people, I've been making it. . .

I don't think I like murfreesboro that much any more. . .I've got people in Ohio and Florida that are ready to pull me in. . .

I'm gonna see if I can get this job @ Verizon, work for a while. . .maybe assess the situation in 8-9 months and see how I feel, and then decide if i'm gonna stay or move. It's so hard to feel like i'm on the outside of everything b/c I was gone for a semester. . .

I just kinda wanna get out and almost start over.

I'm allergic to cats. . .not usually a big deal. . .except for the fact my family purchased one while I was gone. . .and I've been itching for a few days. . .

I also am not a fan of the TN weather. . .my skin hasn't reacted so nicely. . .

oh well. . .i'm done