
November 28 2005

who loves mondays!

yea, that's what I thought. So the weather is having a party in Orlando. . .kinda like it does in TN. . .it just can't ever decide what it's gonna do!

Balzac is great! I get breaks all the time it seems. and it's a pretty easy job. just bounce a ball all day. . .I have a feeling i'll be coming home with a few! they're sooooo fun!!!

Cast sale is on thursday, i'm very very excited! i love discounts!!

I should go grocery shopping soon. . .what should I buy?

that's all i've got! everyone have a fabulous day!


November 28 2005
we love discounts!! you should get some pineapples and strawberries!!! yum!!


November 30 2005
i was just messing around about Josh...i didn't mean anything by it..i was kinda bored...sorry if i offened you or something


November 30 2005
i just was looking at some people and thought he was cute so i decided to tell