I feel so young. . .

November 11 2005
Not something to complain about. . .everyone wishes for youth.

but like. . .I seem to attract older people, this is not a general "i attract older guys" type thing, more of, I have friends in general that are older than me. . .

this always causes me to feel like the baby of the group when age is brought up. . .

which is almost strange. . .because with my family. I'm the oldest. . .could this be the cause of me attracting older peers?

basically the guy I like right now or, "is in my life" right now, is 23. . .and thought 19 and 23 is not a massive age gap. . .I have a feeling he thought I was older.

this post had no point. except to tell you that I like a 23 year old, and I think he likes me back. and I only have 2 months left. . .causes for issues

oh, nathan, I enjoy the new toolbar. a lot.

Nathan Moore

November 11 2005

Megan Polis

November 12 2005
Yea me too...hey but laura look at it like this, you can always just stay there another semester and then you can hang out with him more...oh and i get to see this fellow when i come down there to hang out w/ you!!!