What a day. . .

August 20 2005
I worked today. It was actually a short shift. 12-6. I didn't know where I'd be working until I clocked in. . .and then i was informed I'd be at Space Dog. Now let me tell you about Space Dog. it's outside. under this little train ride that goes around above tomorrowland. but the main point is that it's OUTSIDE. which means when it's hot, you're hot, and when it rains, you're wet. so pretty sure it rained. I guess I was lucky that it didn't start until I started closing. . .but then I had to walk downstairs and change clothes, and then walk to catch the first bus away from MK. I lost a shoe at the tunnel entrance/exit. That was the moment I removed my flip flops and didn't put them on at all. . .I walked barefoot from one bus to another, and then across my complex. . .and by the time I got home, I was wet again. YAY!

so that was today

OH, I also got to practice spanish. and everyone in Orlando isn't from here. . .and let me tell you. . .I enjoy the hot british males. hahaha

I really don't know what else to say. . .except that I'm ready for bed. . .gah!

and on a lighter note

thatguyclint (10:57:24 PM): It's funny...Anna works for a local lube shop, I work for a phone company that covers PART of the state, and you work for a multinational BILLION dollar corporation...
thatguyclint (10:57:30 PM): And you make the least amount of money.

In one year. . .

August 19 2005
My room mate Samantha is currently freaking out because she'll be 20 in a year. no joke.

we went shopping for 5 hours today. maybe 4 hours. i'm not sure, I just know that it took us a LONG time. we went to 2 wal-marts, sams, and target. we prolly spent 15 minutes in the bathroom aisle at target just discussing what we could buy, and laughing, we laughed really really hard

so, i'll be 20 in a year too

the geeks!

August 18 2005
My computer is acting up and the geeks are not online. . .i'd like to cry. my computer is really gay. . .i need the geeks

I think i'm going to PI again tonight. . .though, i don't want to. . .i'd perfer to stay and be lazy

No work tomorrow, working from Saturday till next thursday. woot woot.

oh, and today was payday.

and my neighbors are loud

and i miss anna!

links. . .

August 16 2005
i have to work tomorrow. . .so here are some links for your entertainment pleasure

Buy a Laptop

Mini Beyonce

Lonely . . .

August 16 2005
I'm currently sitting in my apartment, alone. There is the option of going to the meet and greet. . .but that means taking the ghetto bus. . .and i don't really wanna do that. at all. so here I sit. alone. and kinda bored. . .

I might read. . .or something. . .but we have TLC in my apartmnet. . .and I enjoy it. . .

well except that the people in a makeover story are putting clothes on their dogs. . .I kinda find that silly.

Work is long. though I did get off of work last night @ 11:30 rather than midnight. YAY!

I can't wait to meet more new people

on a sidenote, I think i'm gonna try out for a character on friday

this one's for anna

August 13 2005
I won't. . .but i'm ready to come home

the roaches are crazy. they need to leave. like,now

and then, they are coming in under the door just as plain as day. . .as angel said. when did they start paying rent. she doesn't have her key, since when do they get to come in. . .

the weather

August 13 2005
I'm thinking that this change of weather hasn't been such a good thing. I think my asthma is acting up because i've been coughing for what seems to be no particular reason since about the 2nd day I was here. and I don't like it. So my mom is sending me a breathing machine.yay!

I'm going to Disney-MGM today. that's exciting. finally getting off my bootie and doing something. that calls for another YAY!

I think that's about it. We finally have a wireless router in our apartment, I think the people whose we were using moved out yesterday, and it caused grief when Samantha and I couldn't get online. . .but Angel could, b/c she's just special like that. ..and has a desktop computer rather than a laptop

you can see Samantha's costume to the right in my pictures. . .it'll be a LONG time till you see mine. . .

Counterfeit Bills

August 12 2005
I hope I can trust everyone on here not to do this, yet agree with me that disney is ignorant. . .

Disney wants to "perserve the magic" so we were told in the cash handling training today that we don't use counterfeit pens. The lady that taught the class had obviously NEVER worked in a retail situation. She acted like we have all day to stand there and inspect a bill while "chit chatting" with the customer.

So I was thinking about this just now. first off. a counterfeiter isn't gonna put bill gates or clintons picture on a counterfeit bill(the examples they gave us). or even switching the pictures up. that's just dumb. 2nd off. if you get a REALLY good counterfeit bill, you're not gonna be able to look at it and then just know. this lady said we are expected to stand there, chit chat and "feel out" every bill that comes through. I'm sorry, but if I have a line of 20 customers, it would be easier for me to mark a bill with a marker than it would be to feel that bill for it's realness factor.

oh, and why i'm feeling that bill, if i don't catch it then, and it's caught later on at the end of my shift or something, I had ruined the prints b/c I'd bee rubbing mine all over it.

then there is the off chance that I don't catch it, I give it to a customer, they take it somewhere else and spend it, and at the end of the day when it is prolly caught, my prints are all over the bill.

I thought way to much about this. . .but like, we're underpaid, disney makes a lot of money and i found out today that my payment comes from: $1.00/hr: disney, like $1.65/hr: coca cola, and the rest is government money. . .don't know how true this is, but gah. what kind of program is this!?

haha, well at least i'm having fun. . .

oh, and I went clubbin' tonight, and I won't go back.

getting to know my roomies

August 11 2005
well the black girl thinks i'm too loud, and black

the other white girl is gonna be practicing some paligimy. is that spelled right??(marrying more than one person)

last night we went to Downtown Disney. Tonight we're going to Pleasure Island. I'm going shopping @ old navy soon.

orlando is fun. I start on the job training on sunday and work from 2:45pm-11pm. it's kinda crazy.

but until then, i'm OFF!

i bent the spoon. . .

August 09 2005
So i was scooping Ice cream today and I bent the apartments spoon. but fortunatly, i fixed it also . . .

I cooked a lot today. I made cookies, mashed potatoes, ravioli. a lot. . .i also ate ice cream. it was good

I was completly lazy today after our meeting this morning. I slept for like 4 hours today and then sat in front of the TV on the computer.

the apartment is kinda messy now, I'll clean a little before bed.

Pictures are posted to the right

my address is
8103 Baldwin Manor Ct. #17112
Orlando, FL, 32821

write me letters. they make me happy

Orlando. . .

August 08 2005
Well. I'm here, I'm unpacked, and my room is cleaner than i've ever seen a living space of mine.

I'm living in what's called a solarium. it's difficult to describe, but it's like a one bedroom apartment with an alcove area that has these japanese doors that partitions it off. yea, it's confusing

i'll post pictures when i get an chance. we're being lazy now


August 07 2005
wow, so I'm here. and i'm exhausted. so sleep sounds like a plan.

photo from lauraebeth

Samantha's car mirror was broke, so we had to be ghetto and duck tape it


Almost there

August 06 2005
It's 8pm. This time tomorrow I'll be in orlando Florida

this is how it's kinda going, A girl named Samantha from Illinois is driving over to Indiana to pick up Angel. Then they will drive about 6 hours to my place, hopefully arriving around 6am. At that point my family will get in our mini-van and we're carpooling 12 hours to Orlando.

It's taken 2 weeks to reach the point I'm at now. That is absolutly crazy. I've been hardcore packing for like the last 3 days. and it's finally paying off.

My car is almost there, minus 3 boxes.

photo from lauraebeth

photo from lauraebeth

and then there is the room issue. . .

photo from lauraebeth

so I'm getting there. . .slowly but surely. . .there won't be much sleep tonight. . .whhheeeeee

Formal Dinner and such. . .

August 06 2005
Stones River had a formal dinner tonight for the college and youth. I had a lot of fun. We also had to go on a scavenger hunt in our formal dresses, let me tell you, running around m'boro in a formal is crazy stuff.

I of course had to do some cleaning after I got home(there was a girls night at someones house that I went to for a couple of hours) and so now it's 3:54am and I'm s l o w l y getting packed.

rubbermaid total:
--3 under bed and one "dresser" full of clothing
--1 with bedding
--1 with random stuff such as books, paper, frying pan, and other random kitchen stuff
--1 with shoes and stationary and a sewing kit, and uh. . .something else. . .

--There is a small storage box that has some Mark. materials in it.
--A box that holds my printer that doesn't work and needs to be replaced.

I'm also taking a small desk thing. . .

don't tell me, I'm overpacked.

The monster under the bed. . .

August 04 2005
every house has monsters. there is one in the dryer that steals one sock to make lots of mismatched pairs. there is the one in the fridge b/c our parents(or us for that matter) cooked something so long ago the food item is unidentifiable.

then there is the monster under the bed. Maybe children are afraid of this monster b/c of all the junk they shove under there to hide from mommy's and daddy's. Stuff goes under our beds never to be seen again. . .that is, until you decide you're moving to florida

I promise that i've cleaned out under my bed at least once or twice in the last 6 months. I guess it was never good enough, because the monster under my bed had my cordless phone, and he suddenly decided to regurgitate it.


Guardian Angels

August 03 2005
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

I almost went to the NB devo tonight, but then decided I needed to be at SRC.

Worship at SRC was amazing. Then I was invited to the Lintons to hang out with the crew.

So I went.

Afterwards I had to drive someone home, by driving this friend home, I recieved 5 dollars. My gas tank was empty.

As I drove down Almaville Rd. I noticed that the gas station on my left had gas for $2.13/gallon. well I thought the other 2 would too. but it was $2.19 there. I turned around. passed the entrance, turned back around and went to the cheaper place. I pulled in. grabbed the money(all quarters) and went to put $4. 75 worth of gas in my car.

As I was walking towards the stations entrance, I noticed steam coming from the drivers side corner of the front of my car.

This had me concerned.

Megan got out, popped the hood and I started to fill the car with gas.

When I was finished, I started looking under the hood of my car. Clueless as to what I should do, and contemplating what i should do.

A man walked over. He was an older gentleman.

cutting the story short. He at least temporarily fixed my car so that I could make the 5 minute drive home. He owns a car garage. Megan got the name. she's decided that's where she'll get the car fixed from now on.

the moral of the story. Go to SRC. b/c then your car will break down. . ..waiiiiit a minute. I'm just kidding.

It's just interesting to see how God works in the most mysterious of ways at a golden gallon on a late wednesday night.

Oh and the man gave us tracts

and I'm still not packed. . .and i'm going to the Mercy Me concert tomorrow, and a formal on friday


August 02 2005
I'm getting there. . .I've spent the last hour or so packing clothing I will be taking. It's the hardest thing in the world b/c I hate to leave stuff behind.

Okay, so I definetly have over-packed.

I have packed to much stuff for the winter that won't happen. Tomorrow I will have to pull it all out. That will help my overpacked situation.

also, anything I do need for "winter" my mom can bring me when she visits...or someone can bring when they visit.

So tomorrow will be spent finishing packing and re doing my clothes. . .blah!

not quite there. . .

August 01 2005
okay. . .I'm not even close to being packed. . .but are we surprised.

photo from lauraebeth

I ate lunch with Anna @ panera Bread today. in about a weeks time, i've been there 4 times. I do love it. . .

I am seriously considering attacking my closet before bed. . .and then i wanna read. . .but the book i wanna read is at the bottom of my "keep" box. GAH

and this is how anna feels about me moving

photo from BeautyFromPain

you never would've thought. . .

July 31 2005
well ladies and gents. I'm a kidnapper

but today was randomly awesome.

Bread bowls rock, and so does buying PENS, not pins

oh, and then in my attempts to clean. . .I got trapped. . .

photo from lauraebeth

and then. . .well. . .anna left and I got something done. . .

photo from lauraebeth

oh. . .and then this picture. . .it's cool, b/c well, I edited it.

photo from lauraebeth

> Laura

I chatted with someone tonight.

July 29 2005
and it's been decided that we are well made.

thank you and goodnight ladies and gentlemen

I would also like to say. . .

July 28 2005
okay, the no dating thing. screw it. there it is people, it's out. bah.

I will not just go screw around in florida, but I will also not say I'm not gonna date. I did it as an example after a friend of mine, I no longer can seem to get in touch with her now and she has turned uber condemning and conservative

I always go for guys that are like 23.

I will also never steal a guy from a friend. in any way form or fashion. It's been done to me, and I know how it hurts, therefore. i shall not do it.

I think I might sleep now. . .yea, that's a good plan

and so it begins

July 28 2005
Camp is over. This saddens me greatly.

I've read 23 books this year.

I move to florida in like 10 days.

My sister is dogsitting for a family with a pool. therefore, I shall be using the pool tomorrow(we're close with the family)

In the process of Anna making fun of me, she(w/o realizing) poured fudge into her coke. we laughed for a while. . .everyone stared

then 15 minutes later. Skid was picking something up off the coffee table in the living room. this coffee table was situated right in front of anna and I and he was bent over. . .we laughed harder.

froggy.wirehog.com is where you can view my camp photos. . .i think . . .

A week in the life of Froggy. . .

July 09 2005
so I thought I'd share a week in the life of me. . .

starting out we have the lovely Ad-staff. it's the first day of session 4 camp and it's "red, white, and blue" week.

photo from lauraebeth

then flutter must go over the Full Value Contract.

photo from lauraebeth

then it's time for the running bear skit. it's cute, but i don't get why we do this week after week

photo from lauraebeth

then, b/c I have nothing better to do while wasting time with my kids, we go out into the yard between Pine Hill 1 and 2 and have a dance party(aka: badge work, keeps the parents happy)

photo from lauraebeth

the next day, I decide that we love badge work so much that we'll complete the dance badge, and so I teach the kids to ballroom dance. . .

photo from lauraebeth

then it storms. and so all the campers are taught the electric slide in an all-camp dance party

photo from lauraebeth

Hightower keeps Laine entertained at the dance party

photo from lauraebeth

I go on my Time-Off in Jam Hall, and entertainment is provided by Darcy, as she "poll dances" on Lola

photo from lauraebeth

TO is over and I head down to the canoe docks. I walked around the creek as the girls were canoing. . .they were having a "tree party" in this picture

photo from lauraebeth

this is how flutter improperly kyacks

photo from lauraebeth

Later that afternoon we went "tree climbing"

photo from lauraebeth

where I acted silly. . .

photo from lauraebeth

then off to drama, where they got to dress up

photo from lauraebeth

Campfire night is last. . .(I skipped over the wagon ride, teaching the girls to build a fire, and cooking over an open fire with ducky b/c I was kinda busy making sure 18 other people were fed.) Every unit performs a skit. These are PH1 counselors(their kids had already left)

photo from lauraebeth

the ad-staff during this strange story about a pickle. . .

photo from lauraebeth

my girls, imitating counselors

photo from lauraebeth

sack races during all-camp

photo from lauraebeth

Ship and Island right before checkout

photo from lauraebeth

my cabin!!

photo from lauraebeth

that is all. . .i hope you enjoyed!

uh. . .

June 24 2005
and why excactly did i sign up for another addicting website??