
October 08 2005
I am tired, soaking wet, over stimulated, grumpy and ready to poor myself into my bed and its only 5pm on Saturday...I still have to get through a concert tonight and 2 services tomorrow (I am going to hate 6AM)

BUT....BIG BUT... I had one of the best weeks and weekends I've had in a long time. God continues to amaze me.

First after a good week of hanging out with friends, seeing lots of shows (I’m now a huge David Gray fan), and working hard to get a huge project done I left for a weekend with 40 women from Mosaic... We went to a Beth Moore conference in Jersey (I drove a 15-passenger van and paralleled parked it by myself...) Anyway. This weekend was like the bow on a beautiful Gift god gave me. He's really been so faithful to reveal himself to me over the last 4 weeks. He brought me out of a 2 year old self-inflicted drought to a place where I am getting to know my God over again. I missed him...

THEREFORE, this weekend... was just the clincher to it all. I would put all of the take always from this weekend in this blog but I won't bore you... just know that God reaffirmed many things to me this weekend that he's been teaching me over the last 4 weeks. I am finally seeing how the puzzles of my life over the last two years (hec, the last 10 years) are fitting together to make this picture. All the good, bad and ugly relationships that I have been a part of... (personal and professional)... how my sin and my attitude affected so many people... and most of all how it over time left me missing and craving a God who never really went anywhere. I am just in such awe over who he is.

I am so excited about where he's going to continue to take me... I am excited about what His Word has to show me... I am bubbling with joy right now...even though I would love not to be around one person right now...

The rain will not get me down!!!!