Derrick the Dealer

September 10 2005
I think I had the most interesting evening I've had in a long time. After set up I met up with some friends at a Bar to watch the Georgia/South Carolina game (I'm an ALabama Fan). DOn't ask me why I just did. SO I spent a couple of hours in a bar with 200 GA fans.

THen after we ate dinner we made our way to a friend of mine who was having a party on her room. Ok there was 200 people at least on this roof. THat's a lot of people. My friend said it felt like a meat market... which it was... THis is where I met Jonathan the Chef and Derrick the dealer. Jonathan the Chef was a VERY failed attempt of a friend to set me up. At first my friend sid was with me... Sid compared Joanathan to dull scissors. They will do the job but its a long painful job getting there. He was a great guy. Don't get me wrong but oh my... it was torture. At first sid was there and sid can talk to a tree. He's a very social person but even sid got bored and abandoned me. GRRR. so I was left alone. I don't hold conversations really well especially when I ahve no help from the other side.

Ok then there was Derrick the Dealer. THis was the highlight of the night. IF anyone wants to know my natuaral hair color. its blonde. We were standing there and this guy comes up. Obviously a little... ok alot drunk. We are trying to make conversation and ask him what he does. He says "I am Amelia's Dealer" I laugh knowing that AMelia isn't the kind of girl to have a "dealer" so I ask what that means. I said I know its not about drugs so what do you deal... Yeah well finally after everyone stopped laughing at me and told me to shut up I realized he really was a dealer. Yeah. I am not the naive little country girl... but I played her really well tonight.

THen we made it to Cold stone for some dang good ice cream.

I hope this made you laugh because its 1:30 now and I still ahve work to do and i am still laughing at the night. WOW...

photo from kimkmcil