THings I love about this city

August 28 2005
+ Movies in the park
+ Diversity. in race, style, etc... its just so beautiful
+ Subways. Yes I love the subways. IN the summer they are tough but so fun... you get to see some very interesting people
+ Mosaic Manhattan Church- the best little church plant ever.
+ small manhattan apartments- i know its weird but i like it... adds color
+ having friends that are nothing alike...
+ Diners... i love diners...
+ walking... except when people are out... ;)
+ THe fact that you can walk outside your front door and find 20-30 different place to eat within 4-5 blocks...
+ Having a 3 x 12 mile mall at your disposal.
+ Starbucks or some coffee shop on every dang corner
+ Upper west side
+ Riverside Park (THe boat BAsin is the best)
+ Sheeps MEddow on a 70 degree weather day
+ being 30-45 minutes from a beach but still being in the city
+ BEing able to visit a million countries in one afternoon
+ KNowing the fashions before the rest of the world.
+ BEing able to movies before the rest of the nation (40 year old virgin & prime)
+ Going to dinner with people you barely know and leaving with new great friends
+ Christmas in NYC
+ Fall in NYC
+ Broadway shows
+ Toys R US
I could go on but i will stop here. Please make additions.

Jenny Nicholson

August 28 2005
with the diversity of people comes the diversity of food!