Starbucks 101

August 25 2005
WHy do people insist on having VERY personal phone conversations in public places... THis guy is having a conversation with someone and is basically letting Starbucks know about it... by speaking in a VERY audible voice... I just don't get it...

Nathan Moore

August 25 2005
yeah... i don't really get people like that...

Jenny Nicholson

August 25 2005
they do the same thing on the bus. i don't understand it either.

Matt Beck

August 25 2005
but then again people also write some pretty personel stuff on blogs... putting it out there for anyone to read

Kim Possible

August 25 2005
I was just thinking that myself... i tend to be one of those people... Makes me think... but then again I think the only people that read my blog are those closest to me... maybe that's a little naive.