This is cool

November 29 2005
So many of you know about my new hypersensitive desire for photography.  I've had a lot of encouragement lately... people telling me i should pursue it more... even Gregg, my boss was encouraging me to check out working with Troy Plota who is a profesional photographer in our church who has worked with celebrities as well as major campaigns such as IZOD, Arrow, Boss, etc.  Well I was showing my Life group guys some of his stuff today and i came across this picture.  Look at the  11th picture under Personal Work.

 Then look at this one .

THis one is mine.  Is that not the coolest.  I took that picture in St. John.  Now his is better and he has a better eye but i thought it was cool. I am totally reading too much into it but it was cool to see a picture on his website and go "hey that's my picture"  Made me smile... plus he was in a place not many people have been too...