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Favorite Music
hawk nelson, relient k, blink 182, fall out boy, sugarcult, toby mac, weezer, good charlotte, SIMPLE PLAN, hoobasank*, stellar kart, && basically ne thing CHRISTIAN, and any artist on the radio.. basiclly everything but oldies and any gothic/emo type music..
Favorite Movies
THE NOTEBOOK!!!, the chronicals of narnia ;the lion, the witch, and the warbdrobe, a walk to remember, the sisterhood of traveling pants, ladder 49, a cinderella story, sleepover, sorority girls(lol), umm basiclly anything thats a CHICK FLICK, COMEDY, SCARY, ACTION, any movies good for me... but i dont really like scary movies all that much there just OK.. lol..
Favorite Books
the chronicles of narnia-what ive read so far.. they're really GOOD!!, sisterhood of the traveling pants, the first two princess diaries books, all the HARRY POTTER BOOKS
Other Websites
yeah i think i OFFICIALLY have the most OVER PROTECTIVE PARENTS EVER!!
February 20 2006
yeah so i think my parents r officially the most over protective parents like EVER!!!
yeah so they DID NOT let me go this weekend =(
ARE NOT letting me go to the WINTER JAM CONCERT on March 17 just cause they will be in CA but we'll be staying with my grandparents && they sure wont care..
i cant go to this thing on march like 4th cause my uncle is suppose to come to knoxville.. but ill see him like a couple weeks later so it really doesnt matter
oh yeah did i meantion they WONT let me go to CAMP!! well its called CAMP but its more of a confrence. its some youth camp thing in like missouri or something.. idk.. && it is the LAST year they r ganna have it cause of region stuff or something... im not sure.. but they are stopping it after this year so i REALLY want to go!! but they already said NO like 5 thousand times!! =(
i think i'm really mad @ them right now for being so over protective.
its not fair.
i really want to go to WINTER JAM && to CAMP!
=( it makes me sad that they wont let me go.
=( this year SUCKS.
5 weeks til winter break && thats probably not ganna be much fun either... dont think im going ne where since my parents will be in california WITHOUT us!!! =(
yeah who wants to hang out this spring break?? lisa? i think we should go to the BEACH like u said.. haha ask ur mom to take all of us for ur bday.. hehe.. yeah right... lol..
OMGOSH!! im so mad @ NAOMI right now! she was our youth group president for the last 2 years.. && she spent all the youth $$ on who knows what that we DID NOT even need INSTEAD of paying for our two little boys ((the boys that the youth sponsers)) && so now the youth owes $360 dollars && by the end of this month it will be $420 so yeah we have to raise that much $$ just because NAOMI spent a butt load of the youth $$ on the last lock-in && on christmas presents to the youth.. but personally i would have rather NOT have a lock-in && not get a $5 dollar gift certificate to the christian book store && paid that money.. we havent paid since sept. of 05' && its mostly her fault for NOT taking care of it.. so yeah all the new officers r MAD @ her.. && so is like a bunch of other ppl.. gosh that makes me mad!
but yeah.. this weekend has been LAME like i said it would be.. && apperently i cant do ne thing else that i want to do for like the next month or so.. so its ganna be lame too.. but this friday should be fun.. HOPEFULLY.