yeah i think i OFFICIALLY have the most OVER PROTECTIVE PARENTS EVER!!

February 20 2006

yeah so i think my parents r officially the most over protective parents like EVER!!!

yeah so they DID NOT let me go this weekend =(

ARE NOT letting me go to the WINTER JAM CONCERT on March 17 just cause they will be in CA but we'll be staying with my grandparents && they sure wont care..

i cant go to this thing on march like 4th cause my uncle is suppose to come to knoxville.. but ill see him like a couple weeks later so it really doesnt matter

oh yeah did i meantion they WONT let me go to CAMP!! well its called CAMP but its more of a confrence. its some youth camp thing in like missouri or something.. idk.. && it is the LAST year they r ganna have it cause of region stuff or something... im not sure.. but they are stopping it after this year so i REALLY want to go!! but they already said NO like 5 thousand times!!  =(

i think i'm really mad @ them right now for being so over protective.

its not fair.

i really want to go to WINTER JAM && to CAMP!

=( it makes me sad that they wont let me go.

=( this year SUCKS.

5 weeks til winter break && thats probably not ganna be much fun either... dont think im going ne where since my parents will be in california WITHOUT us!!! =(

yeah who wants to hang out this spring break?? lisa? i think we should go to the BEACH like u said.. haha ask ur mom to take all of us for ur bday.. hehe.. yeah right... lol..

OMGOSH!! im so mad @ NAOMI right now! she was our youth group president for the last 2 years.. && she spent all the youth $$ on who knows what that we DID NOT even need INSTEAD of paying for our two little boys ((the boys that the youth sponsers)) && so now the youth owes $360 dollars && by the end of this month it will be $420 so yeah we have to raise that much $$ just because NAOMI spent a butt load of the youth $$ on the last lock-in && on christmas presents to the youth.. but personally i would have rather NOT have a lock-in && not get a $5 dollar gift certificate to the christian book store && paid that money.. we havent paid since sept. of 05' && its mostly her fault for NOT taking care of it.. so yeah all the new officers r MAD @ her.. && so is like a bunch of other ppl.. gosh that makes me mad!

but yeah.. this weekend has been LAME like i said it would be.. && apperently i cant do ne thing else that i want to do for like the next month or so.. so its ganna be lame too.. but this friday should be fun.. HOPEFULLY.


February 20 2006
omgsh kelly can't believe you can't go to winter jam.. what the gaww like u seriously never get to go and i know have to pay all that money goodness... well i have to write my rich but to lazy.. i still dunno if i wanna go to camp.. but well see.. haha.. talk to you later.. bye.. luv ya!!!

Chris Slate,

February 21 2006
hmm so basically... i just sent you a message all about this and now i got your commet so i thought id comment back... haha... lata