I quit!

August 22 2005
So, I quit my job this morning! Its kind of a relief. Anyway, I put in a request to go part time to allow me to go back to school to work on my english degree. However, they told me Friday afternoon that it was work full time or no time at all. So, I took that home and to God over the weekend. And, now this is what we came up with. So, I am very excited to be doing what I feel God leading me to do. Now, the part that has always proven most difficult for me: waiting and trusting in His provision! Yeah, thats a tough one for me. But, I'm excited about the possiblities and the idea of knowing that I don't have to worry about it, its all taken care of. Its all going to be okay. Anyway, so, I gotta go get myself ready for my first class: Intensive Elementary Spanish! YIKES!!! Sounds like fun, huh?

Ok, I'm out! I love you guys and I miss you so much. I can't wait to come back to New York! Maybe it won't be too long!