The Motherland

June 02 2006
So, I'm in the Motherland.  For those of you not really familiar with my lineage, that's Poland.  Pretty amazing.  By the grace of God, I got here without a hitch because I went on five flights and six airports.  26 hours.  What was really weird is that the rest of the team had 3 flights and got here a day late.  HAHAHAHA!  But they have all these fun memories that I don't have so that's kinda sad.

Moving on...I really love it here in Poland!  It's so much cheaper...on some things.  I've been amazed by everything I've seen but who cares...I'm in Poland!  The food AND candy is super awesome here and it's beautiful.  The pictures we have are amazing to say the least.  I can't believe it.  Pretty good.  I think Trent is taking all of this very well which makes me happy.  I do need to call him sometime soon.  And probably my parents too, although we never have time too.  Internet is easier to get to, I think. 

Anyway, all is well.  Pray for me because I will be working in a very bad, and potentially scary part of the city.  Thanks!