The Boy...Sorry it's long.

April 07 2006
So, I have some news.  I have a new boy.  It's official.  And his name is...drumroll please...Trent Ashcraft.  To some of you, this will come as tremendous news, and to others, this will cause you to utter "FINALLY!!!"

Let me explain the situation...I determined at the beginning of the semester that I was not going to date anyone.  I really wanted to focus on God and He placed on my heart that the relationship I was in, was not the most healthy.  But being the awesome God that He is, God placed Trent in my life at a time when I didn't want him.  And for a long time, I didn't realize this great guy that God had given me.  Trent first was my friend, a guy that made me smile and laugh.  Then he became this complicated part of my life that I didn't want to give in to.  I didn't want to step back on what I had told everyone and people were keeping me accountable to...but I have.

However, this has been a relationship that has been evolving for over a month.  And Trent and I have talked about everything under the sun.  I can honestly say, I have never been more comfortable with any other guy.  It's amazing to me. 

Trent and I started hanging out in January and soon found a really good friendship there.  The more we hung out, rarely alone, we both (at different times) realized that we liked each other.

So then I had no idea what to do.  I don't want to start a relationship when I clearly think that God was trying to keep me out of one.  Through all of this, I let Trent know.  Being the understanding guy that he is, he was willing to wait for me to be ready to start a relationship with him.

That, to me, was crazy.  Never before had I met a guy so insane, that he would possibly wait MONTHS for me.  I had no idea what to do.  This is where prayer comes in.  I did not want to make a decision hastily and therefore I prayed and waited.  Trent was just patient, he didn't understand it completely, but he was patient.  And I couldn't have appreciated it more.

I had several reasons for holding back the relationship.  1.) I told everyone that I wasn't going to and didn't want to look like a hypocrite or cause any weird reactions.  2.) I felt like God was telling me I wasn't ready.  3.) I didn't want to get into a relationship right before Poland, where I wouldn't get to see him for months.  4.) I was scared.  Period.  I was very, very scared because I was afraid the relationship would turn out bad and I didn't want to mess up anything with Trent.

So here I am basically dating the boy, but without any real commitment.  I finally feal like I'm at a place where I don't have to be afraid.  Trent and I went for a walk tonight where I explained some of my fears to him and he just reassured me.  He reassured me that things wouldn't change just because of some silly title, and that it didn't matter because he was still going to be here.

So we walked and we talked some more, and I was just really at peace.  I felt like God gave me this great guy and I was finally ready to accept it.  God knew that I could and probably would have just easily jumped into the relationship and it would have easily crumbled.  But with this time that has elapsed, God has allowed a foundation for this relationship that consists of a friendship and understanding and patience.

I know now, that the commitment shouldn't have been not to date this semester, but to allow God to place a wonderful godly man into my life when I least expect it.  And I couldn't be more thankful. 

So tonight/this morning, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and now I'm able to just be comfortable in the situation that God has placed me in and know that this is right where I'm supposed to be.