Building 429 and Relient K

March 22 2006
So, can I say that Building 429 is some of the coolest guys ever?  I mean, they are awesome!  I went to a free concert at a coffee shop on Friday night and it was so good.  They didn't play too many songs because they just wanted to hang out with us.  That was fun.  Mandy and I got their cd for only $5!  That's amazing! 

Relient K was fabulous as well.  It was really crowded and very hot but so awesome!  The doors opened 1.5 hours late so we were outside freezing for 3.5 hours.  That's not fun.  The concert made up for it though.  There were 3 opening bands and the second one wasn't too bad, but the third one was AWFUL!!!!!!  So Relient K didn't start until like 10 or 10:30.  It was crazy.  But when they started it was great.  I think everyone else was getting pushed around but I wasn't.  I was fairly comfortable.  They put on a great show.  And what's more amazing is that they don't use set lists.  That's super fun.  Although disappointing for me because I collect them.  Oh, well.  I did pick up a signed guitar pick that I didn't see them throw out.  That's kinda cool.  And I got some t-shirts, so that's super fun.  All in all, I'd do it again just for that GREAT concert!

On monday I got to go to the dermatologist and get that cyst looked at.  That wasn't so fun because they removed it and a mole from my arm so now both of those just kinda hurt.  And I found out that I genetically got passed a gene that gives me those cysts.  So who knows how many I will have to get taken out.  Funny how things work.

I've also been sewing like I told you I would.  I've made 5 or 6 purses, I can't remember.  And I still have like 2 or 3 more to go.  So I will stay busy tomorrow as well.  I think on Friday I am leaving for Nashville or Knoxville to see my cousin run a marathon.  I'll also get to see my Aunt and Uncle that I won't get to see this summer because I will  be in Poland, so that's cool.  It's too bad I won't get to see any other family.  They are great.  I have been kinda bored but I've been doing a pretty good job of occupying my mind.  I do have some homework I could do, but that doesn't sound like fun at all.  Nope, not at all.

So anyways, I'm gonna run and work on some web design stuff.  That way I won't be stressed when I go back to school.


March 23 2006
youre comin to nashville????