Going home tomorrow

March 16 2006
So tomorrow I get to go home and I'm going with my good friend, Mandy.  She's awesome.  She's coming to see the Relient K concert with me.  And I will be SOOOOOOO bored over Spring Break.  There will be nothing to do but sew.  And as excited as I am about that, it will take me like a day to finish it all.  So then I have like 4 days of nothing to do.  I could do school work but that doesn't sound like fun.  Not at all.  But I'm ready to go home. 

In my directing class, we have to direct our own one-act.  Well, we have to share cast members and everything so we will all be fighting for the same people and I'm not excited at all about it.  Everyone will be fighting for the same people and that will just stress me out.  So boo for directing class. 

I need me some Moe's and some Skyline.  I'm ready to be home and get me some GOOD food! 

I think I've gotten another cyst on my scalp.  I had one removed last year and I think I've gotten another one.  If this is a trend, I don't think I like it.  It's not cool. 

Well I think I'm gonna get off of here and try to start cleaning and packing!  Love ya'll.

I can't wait to see my KIMMYBEAR!!!!!


March 16 2006
what about me???


March 17 2006
im more important!!! i cant wait to see my erin!!!! and ya know you could so come visit me if you get really bored.