UNIT 619

August 27 2005
Yes, it's true, I was m.i.a. from all the hoppin action in Oxford last night. Each year the unit 69/619 holds a fantasy football draft (don't laugh, this is serious business) and last night was the beginning of much trash talk for months to come. And yes, mine is the greatest team ever assembled (I'm working on my modesty, can you tell?).
Today I get to read one of three books I have due by this Friday, so hooray for me, and have to be getting back to it. Probably take a break and do the grove thing with the boys around 8, that Sanders kid is playing, and he's worth hearing. Goodbye, phusebox.



August 27 2005
heefus, you've been m.i.a. from life lately. where have you been, oh better-than-me rook partner? hope to see you soon.