First Day of Classes

August 22 2005
Taylor (my roomie) and I had The History of Western Art at 8am today...we were the only two seniors in said class...bunch of pimply-faced, scared freshman surrounding us. We get a drop grade in there, and the tests are multiple choice...I had forgotten what it was like to not be taking junior/senior level courses.
His 377 and 392 will be tolerable...lots of essays and papers, but what else is new?
Tomorrow I have Dev. Psych. with Shawn B, so we'll cut up in there...other than that, Tuesday is a lazy day.
Right now gonna take a short nap, and then go run some errands...woe is me.
Special shout out to Laura, who is the only person I know on here, and who is a super-suave Rook partner. See ya Tuesday!


August 22 2005
oh, you make me laugh. and it really makes me laugh that i'm your only friend in the world. we have to get lots of people to join this. it's fun.

Nathan Moore

August 22 2005
Welcome to PhuseBox.