the heefus

November 03 2005

Series One: Basics

Name: Heath Everette Capps
Birthdate: 08/16/83
Current location: oxford, ms
Height: 5' 7.75" (it's true five seven and three quarters inches)
Eye color: dookie brown
Hair color: brown (almost black i'm told)
Righty or Lefty: righty...shoot pool and sweep lefty though. And used to switch hit. That's right, I'm a baller. Or was. Nah, still am.
Innie or outie: in

Series Two: Describe...

your heritage: scot, irish, pirates from the isle of mann, maybe some french, maybe some native american(everybody says that though)
your faith: Christian, in a weird hippie-world-view kind of way
your politics: politics are for morons
your hair: haha. long and skanky right getting a haircut soon, i swear

your fears: no straight up fears i guess. maybe the 'real world' is a worry...graduation looming on the horizon makes me feel old. I pretty much have a lot of stuff I worry about, but it's not me. I'M NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING

Series Three: What Is....

your most over-used phrase: depends. maybe 'bout it' or 'booya'
your best physical feature: some girlies like the hair, some the eyes, some the beard. I think it's all the hair.
your bedtime: this week, been around 2:30am. Normally averages an hour before that.

your greatest accomplishment: of the semester--making it through this week, assuming i get through DSG's test tomorrow

your fondest memory: they're simple, but fulfilling. I love christmas and new year's back home in SC with the family and friends. Good people, good food.
your favorite article of clothing: holy jeans and t-shirt

Series Four: Do you prefer...

Coke or Pepsi? neither, water.
McDonald's or Burger King? Subway
single or group dates? single dates in the beginning, group is cool after you know the person. Still prefer single though.
Lipton or Nestea? i dunno, whatever scott makes

Chocolate or Vanilla? neither, but chocolate if i am forced to decide.
cappuccino or coffee? coffee
glasses or contacts? contacts pretty much until they mess up, then i bring out the glasses (and transform into a manly harry potter, no lie)

Series Five: Do you...

smoke? nope
curse? unfortunately
sing? a singing/whistling man has nothing on his mind...yea i do
shower daily? if by daily you mean every other day or every three days, yes.
like school? yeah, but i'm ready for life
want to get married? yeah, sooner rather than later. There's that bit about finding the female though. that's always gets in the way. Maybe I'll just try the mail-order thing.

type with your fingers on the right keys? absolutely
think you are attractive? been told a few times. Okay okAY, I think i'm attractive. But not until i get a haircut. Right now I just look skanky.

Series Six: Have you ever...

been in love? yep, once
had your heart broken? haven't we all
eaten sushi? nope
been on stage? yes, i got roped into doing FAME as a senior at Amory...luckily, I only had a few lines.
been roller-skating? i was born with four wheels on each foot
made homemade cookies? no, but i have eaten my grandmother's and they ROCK
gone skinny-dipping? nope, i think i'm a prude
dyed your hair? yea, back in the skata stage, i had blond streaks one summer
played a game that required removal of clothing? not that I can remember. if i did, obviously it wasn't memorable.
shoplifted? no
acted like someone you are not to fit in? no, not to fit in

Series Seven: Ever...

been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
gotten beaten up: no...only was in a few middle school fights, and those never got too hairy. Pretty much after you bodyslam one dude (BOOYA), or run a dude into those wooden bleachers that jut out from the wall, people leave you alone. I'm a likable guy anyway. i would get into fights trying to break them up.

Series Eight: The Future

Age you hope to be married: personal...maybe 25. Mainly I'd like to be sure about the person, and sure about the finances first.
Number and names of children: least one. Have to have a son, so if i have a girl first, or twin girls first, we're looking at two or three. I like Tristan for a guy...Cora for a girl...or Aubrey. I'm sure the woman will have input on this topic though....hehe
Describe your dream wedding: don't really dream about that. eloping would be cool. Or, it would be cool to marry a girl that was cool with eloping, even if we didn't. Was that confusing?
How do you want to die: happy

Series Nine: on the opposite sex...

Best eye color: brown
Best hair color: hmmm...dirty blond or brown. this is all completely superficial
Best height: 5'6" i guess...fits my average height about perfect.
Best weight: i don't think i'm allowed to answer this one.
Best articles of clothing: winter clothes...coats, scarves, all bundled up. Makes me just want to hug and protect girls when they dress like that.
Best first date: something quiet and shop, dinner, take a walk? I don't know. I've been out of the loop for too long. Definitely has to be quiet though. Movies are generally a bad idea though; you don't get to look at each other or talk.
Best first kiss location: duh, where do you think. No, honestly, this depends upon the girl, and I usually figure that out at the door.
Tip for all women: don't be a psycho

Series Ten: Number of...

drugs taken illegally: nada
CDs I own: two cases full....shade over a 100?
times my name has appeared in the newspaper: fair bit between school grades, soccer, tennis, envirothon, blah blah. This is the Amory Advertiser we're talking about though, not the New York Times.

scars: on my left arm; the first time i ever outran my dad, he got mad he was going to lose so he tripped me from behind...i slid on the pavement in the road, it wasn't pretty. Also, I got stabbed by a pencil just above my belly button when i was in the seventh grade...had to have surgery to get the piece out that broke off, it was kind of bad.

Series Eleven: Right Now...

Wearing: holy jeans, white tee
Eating: just finished some ice cream
Watching: Louisville versus Pitt (college football)
Thinking: DSG's test is going to whoop my tomorrow. Probably just bomb it, carry a B into the final, and focus only on my camping trip tomorrow, which is going to rock!!!
