Haley Jones
Relationship Status
Farragut Highschool
Hey yall! my name is HaleY Well for those who are gonna actually take time and read about me, You are aweSOME! but newho.....I go to Farragut High.....I love playin paintball, skateboarding, softball, gymnastics, and goin mudding! All though I may sound like a manly gal, trust me I'm not I am a big GIRLY GAL! lol I jus love havin fun and gettin dirty while at it......I love boiz they are one of my biggest priorities......and huntin of course! My type of guy is a redneck man.....who doesn't care to get dirty with his gal and everything and he can't be too preppy or stuck up or hes out the door! But I guess you can already tell....I have a redneck side to me...but what can I say? It runs in the family.....and yes I have a lil cute country accent that gets made fun of jus about everyday.......but I don't care I'm jus a proud loser!
Favorite Music
I love all sorts of music! I like Metal, Alternative, Punk, Rap and Country! mah favorite artists are: MeTaL: System of a down, Slipknot, Rob Zombie AlTeRnAtIvE: Chevelle, Trapt, Sublime, Linkin Park PuNk: Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, CKY RaP: Three Six Mafia, Trillville, Ludacris, Dirty South Girls CoUnTrY: Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Sugarland, Gretchen Wilson
July 09 2007
June 28 2007
May 23 2007
school is out and im partyin! cant wait till i start to go back to CROSSVILLE! the coolest place in the world! and then of course Panama City! but ya hope yall have a good summer because im sure as heck goin to have a good one!
CONFUSION! but makin it through
November 12 2006
October 14 2006
Hey yall! hows it goin?.......ya well i'm packin right now bec. i'm goin to the bahamas......so ya yall arent goin! naner naner boo boo!.....anywho.....ya i'm really bored and excited but i'm goin to go!.........<3HaleY
I skipped.......
October 03 2006
So I deffinately skipped school today and went and shopped in Gatlinburg because I'm just cool like that but its not like i really skipped because my mom knew i was going.....but i am really glad that i didnt go to school today because if i did im sure i would have a had a really poopie day....if you cdidnt know i really havent been feeling well and ive been kinda stressed out with this whole homecoming business which is this weekend by the way.........i have already got my dress but i still have to get my shoes, get my nails done, and get my jewelry......so it just kinda sucks.....but im goin with this cool kid named jeremy who just moved here from california and he's really sweet....BUT he'll be 18 in november and i dont know how im goin to like that but oh well......i'll worry bout that another time.....so peaCe yall.........<3HaleY
September 30 2006
Ya ok so today......UT is playin a good game! we are kickin butt! and ya last night Farragut beat William Blount 17-16 it was a close game..I got so mad I had to leave the game four times......finally when I came back......we were winning! but ya Ima have to talk to them boys.....they need to learn how to play! Naw I'm j/k boys yall did good!....but ya So I'm goin to go watch the last quarter of the UT game and watch them dominate Memphis!.....peaCe....<3HaleY
September 29 2006
Ya so I'm gettin ready for the Farragut game........I can't wait! I'm bout to go paint up! HOW EXCITING! ya so well I really dont know what to say except for I had a really good day! and that I'm so going boarding tomorrow with Jeremy King and we might get to hang in his movie theatre! stoopid rich kid! j/k but ya I cant wait for that oh ya and one bore thing........UT better kick butt tomorrow or i'll be HEATED! but oh well.......i reckon there's nothin i can do bout it......so ya I'm out kiddos!......peaCe......<3HaleY