Jessica Jo



December 03 2006

Why does everything have to be so complicated and so confusing at the same time?

Marybeth Jensen

December 03 2006
darlin', i'm tellin' ya, if you would just come to the movie nights, it wouldn't be so complicated and confusing!!

Chris Jensen

December 03 2006
It's because of females... that is why this world is so complicated and confusing

Marybeth Jensen

December 04 2006
duh!! If you can't see the've just missed too many. you need to come.

Jamie Crabtree

December 04 2006
Yes we women make it difficult, but we also make life fun, come on how many straight men can you go shopping with and expect them to be honest? None. or at least very few.

Randy Lewis

December 04 2006
Life is not supposed to be complicated or confusing. They are of the devil. <br> Life is really simple, if we will just remember "Faith, Hope, and Love". <br> Ha, kind of ironic, isn't it? <br> Jamie, I would go along with "very few".


December 04 2006
Just take time away from school and work and do something fun! It gives you a chance to get your mind off those things and breathe a little, plus you get to have fun with your friends or family.

Randy Lewis

December 04 2006
Way to go Alicia. Time away from.....stress, and time with family and friends. Sounds like a great solution.

Chris Jensen

December 04 2006
sounds kinda like what MB said to begin with ;-)