Jessica Jo


I'm Sick...

September 28 2006

I need prayer.

I'm sick and I really can't be right now because it's slowing me down a bit. And because I have so much to do this weekend.

This week I've pushed off homework one night to sleep and then stay up the next finishing what I should have finished the night before.

Take care of your body...because when you don' pay for it.

My bed with warm covers, soft sheets, and wonderful pillows...with hot chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich sounds like heaven to me.

First stop...Wal-mart to load up on every sore throat and cough medicine I can find.

TrEe HuGgEr

September 28 2006
i love you girl and i'm praying for you...

Jamie Crabtree

September 28 2006
HUGS!!! I reccomend Sassafrass tea, it does wonders.


September 29 2006
aww im sorry! i'll pray for your health, and that you get everything done you need too! love you girl,manda*