Jessica Jo



May 18 2006

I have a lot of mixed emotions about today. I'm finally ready to close the chapter of my high school experiences and open the one for the future.

I'm ready to put most things of high school in the past and I'm ready to move forward. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

But most of all I'm ready for what God has planned for my future.

Congratulations to all those seniors out there that are graduating.

I praise Him for today and for everything

Marybeth Jensen

May 18 2006
Congratulations Jo! That's great!!! I'm so happy! I'm sorry I can't make it tonight, but I hope it all goes well! I better see you tomorrow. ; ) Love you

beth cooper

May 18 2006
have fun tonight! im sure youll be great at everything you do in life! congratulations!!!!!!!!

Aaron Massey

May 20 2006
don't know.. i know i'll be there i believe... but i don't know if i'll have a table.

Aaron Massey

May 20 2006
OKAY... YOU ... YOU!!!! AHHH!!!! j/k.. i'll do that

Becca Hicks

May 21 2006
my jessica!! i was thinking about you tonight, girl. i was at church and we were in service with the adults tonight (we usually have youth on sunday nights), and i was called into the ministry. i wish you could have been there. it was amazing. i also hope that you're being out of school is making you happy...i really wish we could do something before you go off to last day in school is tuesday and i am completely dead broke (along with my parents), so if we went to do something, it'd have to be, you have my number. i really hope to hear from you soon. ((sorry this is so long)) mucho love, [[beccaboo]]