Jessica Jo


Life at a Fast Pace

April 10 2006

Last night I felt as if I was going to to explode due to stress...but everything is fine now. comes and goes...

So this is my life:

Wake up at 6:15. At school by 7. Leave school at 2:30. At work by 2:45. Leave work at 7:15. (Work is wonderful btw). Eat a quick dinner. Run for about three miles and then work out with weights. Shower. Homework for about 3-4 hours. Bed. REPEAT.

As busy and stressful as life can be...I love it. I'm finally learning time management....something that has taken me a long time to learn.

God provides. Duh. :-) :o)

"Lord, help prune away my suspicions and self-absorption and see the world around me with Your eyes, not mine; to be slow to judge, quick to love, slow to criticize, quick to tell of Your love- just as You were and are with me." ~Unknown

Learn From Great Bible Personalities

If you are impatient, sit down and talk to Job. If you are just a little strong-headed, go and see Moses. If you are tired and afraid, take a good look at Elijah. If there is no song in your heart, listen to David. If you feel cold and lonely, get the beloved disciple John to put his arm around you. If your faith is weak, read about the apostle Paul. If you are getting lazy, listen to James. If you are losing sight of the future, climb up the stairs of Revelation and get a glimpse of the promised land. ~Author Unknown


April 10 2006
...and if you need a good laugh, a double stuff hug, or some encouragement, go to Alicia


April 11 2006
Whoa! You are so busy!!! I just wanted to tell you to have a WONDERFUL day!