Daniel Arnett


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A little bit of poetry

July 31 2005
Well, today is the day after I learned that Amber had died. So I got to thinking about a poem i heard the day that my grandmother died, and how true it is. thus, at risk of copyright infringement, i am going to post 2 poems up here, neither of which i wrote, but they can truely express the feelings i have.

The Dash by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He refers to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning ... to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth ...
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth

For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars ... the house ... the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash

So think about this long and hard ...
Are there thinkgs you'd liek to change?
For you never know how much time is left.
(You could be at "dash midrange")

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appriciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile ...
Remember that this special dash
Might only last a little while.

So when your eulogy's being read
With you life's actions to rehash ...
Would you be proud of the things they
Say about how you spend your dash?


The second poem i don't know the author, but it was provided at my grandmother's funeral.

To Those I Love and Those Who Love Me

When I am gone let me go and release me
I have so many things to do and see
You must not tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we shared such beautiful years.

I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown.
But now its time I traveled alone.

So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must,
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only for a while that we must part.
So cherish the memories in your heart.

I won't be far away, for life goes on.
So if you need me, call and I will come;
Though you cannot see or touch me, I'll be near.
All my love around you, soft and clear.

And then when you shall come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and say, "Welcome Home!"

- We love you and miss you Amber (July 30, 2005)