Daniel Arnett


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Hit Men

An Update

July 27 2005
So, it seems like i haven't updated in a few days or weeks. not much has been going on, just school and work.

Have you ever noticed that reconnecting with someone you have not talked to in about 3 years brings back a lot of memories. One of my friends who i thought just hated me due to some incidents in middle school and high school contacted me in the past week. we caught up on what has been going on, but it led me to start thinking about some of the people that we used to hang out with. it really sucks when you tell people "we'll always be friends and no matter what we will never loss contact" when you know that the opposite is true. talking to her brought back some people that were my best friends growing up. one now lives in kansas and i have seen or talked to him in about 2years and the other guy we were always getting in trouble with (as all kids do), i haven't talked to his since my freshman year of high school...6 years. even now it still happens, the person that i would tell just about anything to in high school has since moved to arizona and we are lucky to send each other an email once a month. it takes work to keep in touch with people, but when life is coming at you fast and so much is going on around you, the people you want around you the most are the ones you inevitablely push away.