Daniel Arnett


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Walk out

June 07 2006

Well, I finally did it, or I should say that they finally did it.  Quick background...Wal-mart management thought it would be nice to give someone saturday night off for a bad reason (don't care to say what it is, but it was stupid) thus leaving me as the only CSM for about 6 hours...not happy...so Sunday, still a little upset about this situation I decided that I would talk to management about this...of course, they told me that it was an insult to them for me to come to them with this complaint and saying that i felt under appreciated. (sorry about having feelings wal-mart).  And to be told that given the chance they would do it again and leave me by myself because I could handle it.  So, since the other guy came in on Sunday to make up his hours and I felt as though they could not properly resolve the situation, I look at my manager who is the one responsible for screwing me over, and told him that i was taking 7 hours of personal time and walked out and that I wanted my transfer asap or else i was just going to up and quit that regardless of what happens i wanted out of their store.  About 30 minutes after I left I realized what I did and actually felt good about it.  So, now I am debating if I even want to show up on Friday.

Quick side note...I said in my last entry that if things go the way they are, I could shed some light on a current situation.  Well things are changing so it might be sooner....big news to come.