Daniel Arnett


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Hit Men

Black Friday

November 29 2005
The day after thanksgiving, most infamously known as "black friday."  Got to love working in retail at that time of year.  Well, after hours of negotiations with 1 supervisor and 2 managers, my schedule was set.  Maybe I should back up...schedules get posted 3 weeks in advance so that we can all make plans accordingly.  Well, i was scheduled to close the service desk (4p-11p). This is after all the sales and we slow down...no problem there.  Well, management wanted me to work blitz (the huge sale that starts at 5am) and who can blame them, when you can scan 700+ items per hour (company average is 400).  So I agreed to work 5a-2p a lovely 8 hour shift with a friday night off which never happens.  Enter the problem. there is no longer anyone to close the service desk. Now we have had 3 weeks to work this out.  Let's fast forward to the day before thanksgiving.  Supervisor comes to me saying that there was no one to close the service desk (apparently i'm the only one out of 300 employees who can close a service desk) so I said that i would work that shift, but management still wants me to work blitz, so i agree to that. Enter problem 2...overtime. Since i'm crazy and poor I have now agreed to work 5-2 and then 4-11.  Then the day of comes and what do i do?  I clock in at 4:30a and take a total of 1.5 hour lunch breaks and get off at 11p (16hours of work, 10 hours of overtime) needless to say, Daniel is very happy about his paycheck coming on thursday...still recovering though.

Daniel Arnett

November 29 2005
So i have to make a quick comment, it is really funny that the automatic tags describe my life (work, work, work, work) thanks nathan.