Daniel Arnett


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November 08 2005

So, as I was driving to work yesterday I had a deep thought...Have you ever noticed that you never have to think about your turn signal, if you have to push the lever up or down...i mean, i know that up means right and down means left, but I never consciously think about it when I'm driving...it's like breathing, it just happens.  So, because of this observation, I had to spend the next 5 minutes trying to figure out why this was...and then it hit me. If you are driving with your hands in the proper position (2 and 10, or 3 and 9, whatever they are saying today) your left hand goes down for a left hand turn, thus it makes since that the turn signal lever goes down and vise-versa for going right...am i a genius or what.  Oh yeah, i guess i could tell the world that it's my birthday, but that is overrated anyways....

- Daniel