Daniel Arnett


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Hit Men

Who I Am

October 19 2005

As I drove home from work today I was listening to my XM radio and who should I hear but Faith Hill.  The song was "Someone Else's Dream" and there was a line in it that may me realize my position in life is...

"All my life I've been pleasing everyone but me, living someone else's dream."

It isn't really all that bad being the guy that people fall back on when a relationship goes south, or when they simply need help, but sometimes I wonder when will it be my turn.  It seems as though the people that come to me eventually become happy because I was there to listen, there to take them out, there to do random stuff for them when they felt alone or simply needed stuff.  I have reached out and given money that I didn't have, time I needed for other stuff, and sometimes I just wonder when will someone do that for me. Now don't take this as me complaining because I normally offer to do these things. I just want people to be happy, but does it always have to be at my expense.  Right now, I am holding a dog for someone until she gets some stuff together, and finds a new place to live, but I don't know how long I will be keeping him, and everyone keeps asking what's in it for you...money, a date...but the truth is that I don't want anything,
Well, I sound really whining right now, so I'm off to bed for the night.

- Daniel