
February 05 2006

ok so yesterday Aaron Called and I did not find out that he called until this afternoon when my sister came in and told me. She came in and said oh yeah by the way Aaron called and I forgot to tell you I was pissed.Today I got home from church and I called him and his brother answered and said that he was asleep then I had to go to work at 4:30 but they let me go because the business was slow so I got home I caled Germani and then I did three way with him and I called Aaron but not one person answered the phone so I am in a ok mood right now plus SOMEONE told me that I need to communicate with him more but I can not because I am not a very talkative person so I need to work on that so I am mad right now but I need to get off the computer because germani want to talk to me so I will talk to you all later BYE

Germani Hanshaw

February 05 2006