Clint Nadeau





August 22 2005
What have I learned the past 8 months since being on staff at BABC? What has God been showing me since I've been a Youth Assistant for Chris? Ministry is not resigned for designated nights throughout the week. There were times not too long ago that I treated my walk with Christ as if I was working at a factory. I would clock in my time card on Wednesday nights and clock out as soon as the message was over. I would have three days off until Sunday so I would make like a car out of gas and coast on into Sunday. Going through worship running on fumes. All the while I was a car that needed major engine work. Engine in this case equals HEART. I had a ravaging cancer in my heart that was destroying me. The caner of SELF. Selfishness is to the heart as the Road Runner is to Coyotee. Cue song: "It's not about YOU..." It's NOT about US!!! Calling all know it alls, spoilled rotten punks, comfortable Christians, the harsh speaking, the oblivious, the unaware, the brats, the image consumed, the person that is destraught that they aren't in a relationship, the person that won't let go of past hurts and pains and everyone else (including myself)...It's NOT about US!...YOU...ME...
Then who is it about? J-E-S-U-S. Serving Him 24/7. Loving Him above all else, wanting to please Him more than anyone else (anyone includes YOURSELF), and counting people better than youself. I hate to be cliche but I will anyway...I need to examine my heart everyday. You need to examine your heart everyday. Can we get a MOTIVE CHECK?

Ministry is 24/7. There is no clocking out for the true lover of Jesus Christ. Pray for me because there are times when I want to clock out. Pray against the "ME CANCER" that desolates my heart. Ministry is 24/7. Our Christian friends need us to help them find the way, they need us to be prayer warriors for them and they need to see us putting our faith into action. Our Christian brothers and sisters and the ones' still in darkness need to see us passionate about the King we serve.

Ministry is 24/7. Have you clocked out?


August 22 2005
thanks for sharing your heart, Clint! you are such an awesome encourager and i know God is going to continue to do amazing things in your life!

kelsey shearron

August 23 2005
amen brother!...God reaaally hit me with that before this school year started because i got really concerned with what people think and how id take the new beginning...and then God was like...Kelsey, my daughter, its not about you..its about me shining through you!...great stuff!-kels

Rachael Vance

August 24 2005
Amen, bro. you know exactly what to say to people like me who need to hear it! God bless You, Rachel, and Baby Nadeau