Brittany Wood


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Why can't we all just get along?

June 17 2007

I will never be able to understand why people can't be honest to each other.  Recently I learned the truth as to who my real friends are and had some very hurtful things said about me.  Now I know what you're thinking, "I'm sure this girl isn't honest to everyone 100% of the time."  I'll admit it I'm not, but I'm not continuously hiding my true feelings about people.  I let people know when I don't like them.  I think there is a definite difference between hiding your feelings and being civil and respectful in public.  I attempt to let my feelings be known by how I act, not by going behind people's backs and talking about them while pretending to like them to their face.  And when you confront someone on an issue, its nice when they just tell you the truth instead of continuing to lie to you.  I just don't get it.  I wish we weren't forced to play the "do they really like me?" game whenever we befriend someone.

JM Vajda

June 22 2007
RE: Thanks :D

JM Vajda

June 27 2007
RYC: I'm glad you took something from my post. Law school sounds good. What has interested you in law in particular? Any issues particularly?

JM Vajda

June 27 2007
A. Lots of money.


July 30 2007
In response to your remark, because the Constitution says that all men are created equal, and not all species, slavery is illegal. Some slaves were treated quite well, but with slavery, treatment wasn't the issue. Rather, we came to agree--While forcibly, it was rightly so--that colored people, being people, had the same rights as the white people in rule at that time. It's not a question of treatment of property, but status. Dogs have a property status: men and women don't. The other argument you had is commonly used by the PETA crowd--that animals suffer and therefore should be morally immune from certain treatment. First of all, how do you know when an animal suffers and exactly how it does? I mean, you could guess, but you would never really know because you could never thoroughly communicate with the animal. Second, why give preferential treatment to dogs? Cockroaches feel, theoretically, and by your argument should be granted the same treatment. However, no sane person likes cockroaches: they're vermin. Same with rats. Rats carry disease, defecate frequently, and scatter pieces of trash. Likewise, they feel, but no sane person loves rats. In other words, if we've come to an agreement that dogs and cats should be property, then there really is no argument except subjective versions of morality.