Brittany Wood


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In A Relationship

My place in life? Could it be?

December 17 2006

Christmas Break is already here.  It amazes me how quickly my first semester at college went by.  Things seem to be going really good.  The transition up here from Florida was pretty painless.  I have made a lot of friends, found my place in the church, and have a wonderful boyfriend (who I miss dearly right now).

Things with my brother seem to be calming down.  Yesterday was pretty bad though.  We never stops purposely annoying me.  Err.  He's pretty sick today though, so I feel bad for him, but I can't help but to wonder, could this be Karma?  As bad as that sounds, I really do want him to get better, I hate it when he's sick.

Overall things are good.  I finally fell as if I'm finding my place in life.


December 17 2006
you misspelled karma lol