Relationship Status
Oakland High School
Olivet Nazarene University
God, music (especially that of my native region), i like almost any movie and LOVE broadway, i love to sing in the car and dance in my room, i like pictures and scrapbooks and fun creations like that, painting is one of my favorite things to do - and i mean walls, i drive rapidly and eat slowly, i give in to laziness but label it "much-needed relaxation, " i hate when people pay more attention to the nutrition facts than they do to real life which is a result of my intense love of chocolate, i hate storms and storm radios, i like roller coasters and math and grammar and swings and word games and friends!
CrAzY life!
October 22 2005
So. this is the new phusebox, huh? i haven't really even had a chance ot check it out... very nice!
my life is absolutely insane right now. but i love it! awesome awesome things happening! here's the rundown...
- YoungLife is great this year - i am lovin it! God has really given me a peace and stregth for it! My talk this week went well - thanks for your prayers! it keeps me really busy tho - i'm gonna try to keep going to campaigners on monday, then there's leader meetings on tuesdays, and club on wednesdays. not to mention that the past few fridays have been spent up there as well (we do younglife 30 miles away) it's a lot! but it's gooood!
- darin was hired at our church to run the sr high youth group! so i am his sidekick! i teach sunday school every week and help him out on sunday nights... it's a blast! and a great opportunity! it came out of nowhere but i absolutely love it! they've never really had a youth group before, so we just made everything up! it's crazy for me to think that we're doing all that as seniors in college! definitely a God-thing!
- i'm pretty far into my practicum at Bradley Bourbonnais Community High School. it was scary to actually teach the other day - i just can't believe that this class of juniors was completely in my hands! and i'm teaching the sophomores on monday! it's so fun! my teacher is great - he has 2 reg eng classes but then he also has journalism, creative writing, and broadcasting! so i'm learning a lot about putting together a newspaper and how they run their school tv program! when on earth did i become this adult in the real world??
so that's my crazy life. that takes up 5 nights a week for sure, sometimes more. not to mention 18 hours of classes and 10 hours of regular work! thursdays are reserved for planning the upcoming weekend at church - so that pretty much leaves saturdays! IF nothing else has overflowed onto them! the past couple saturdays i went to chicago with darin - my absolute favorite thing to do! so there's still a little time for careless fun!
all this to really say that i'm really sorry if i'm not keeping up with you! i can't even keep up with my friends here on campus! so don't be afraid to send me an email or call me yourself! i miss you all! and love you very much! i'm coming home *i think* november 11, but it'll just be a short trip! catch me then!
**4 weeks till ARUBA!!**
October 19 2005
sooo... tonight... i'm giving "THE TALK" at YoungLife...
so if you see this before 8:15-ish - or i guess at any time - a prayer would be great!
i love fall break :)
October 09 2005
i have recently realized that i have become the biggest wuss of all time. (is that how you spell wuss???) my friends from high school would be so ashamed of me... i would never make it through nashville's haunted prison. how sad. darin, brady, kady, and i went to this haunted apple orchard thingy... and i back out. even cried. BUT, to my credit - i went through a corn maze! do you know what that means?? i am terrified of corn fields. in the light. much less the creppy dark. this was a big deal. so am i really a chicken? not totally. just partially. i'm like artificial chicken i guess.
see ya
spontaneous prayer
October 05 2005
but anyway... that is not what i logged in to say...
tonight i cried. ok. i cry often right now for some reason, but it was a good cry. check this out:
i have been having the hardest time with these two projects for my visual literacy class. it really shouldn't be this difficult, but it's just been unbelievable.
enter - susan bailey.
now, susan and i rarely talk. we occasionally leave each other messages or quick updates on lives, but it's not an every day occurance - not even every week. she hasn't heard about my issues lately. but i had an away msg up about being frustrated with my stupid projects, and when i come home at midnight, this is what i found on my screen:
Dear Lord, please bless Cassie as she works on her projects and give her strength and peace as she finishes them. Thank you for Cassie and the joy she brings to all who know her :-) In Jesus' name, Amen.
that's it. that's all she wrote. and is that not incredible? susan is amazing. that's twice recently that someone has just instantly prayed for me like that and i cannot even explain how awesome that feels! it's a habit i definitely need to pick up.
just wanted to share :)
October 02 2005
photo from bouclee
the titans are on tv!!!!!! :) this rarely happens here... just on those lucky days when they play the colts!! i'm not extremely confident in their ability to beat peyton and his crew today (afterall, he's a tennessee original too), but i am still WAY excited about actually getting to watch the game! AND it's in nashville... ahhh... it's like i'm right at home! that just made my day
it's a birthday!
October 01 2005
so allison is teaching me to list good things in the morning... when we walk to our terrible 7:40 class together, we try and list the good things about the day... so let's see... it's saturday! that's good enough as it is! i'm going to wear my new jeans that i found last night (in a surprisingly short amount of time)... i already ran today... it's gorgeous outside... my favorite little brother and favorite little brother's girlfriend (and family) are in chicago!... only 6 more days until fall break!... its free weekends!... (?)
ok, i'm not real creative right now. not bad, tho... alright. back to trying to get ahold of my dad!
yay for being able to login again!!
September 28 2005
the parents were here this weekend - it was nice! we went to the museum of science and industry - very cool! my favorite chicago museum so far! and we ate at the FlatTop Grill - which is always fun!
AND! justin and jami are coming tonight!!!! i miss them SO much! i cannot wait!
AND i'm going to see "The Merchant of Venice" at the Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier tonight! i LOVE Olivet's fieldtrips!
Okay... tons to do! to be continued.......
September 19 2005
photo from bouclee
this is my best friend. and this is why.
she is amazing. seriously. you all should get one.
Lord I want to YEARN
September 17 2005
this place in time
that I might seek and find my God
my God
Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
over You and only You
Lord I want to yearn
Your joy is mine
yet why am I fine
with all my singing and bringing grain
in light of Him
oh You give life and breath
through Him You give all things
in Him we live and move
that's why I sing
Lord I want to yearn
things are getting brighter
September 07 2005
my roommates gave me flowers! and a sweet card!
photo from bouclee
today in chapel we sang how great is our God... love that song. and then they added the love of God. wow. it hit me, as i was singing how measureless and strong just how strong His love is. that there's nothing i can do - no attitude i have or emotions i feel - that can extinguish that love. nothing. this morning i asked God to meet me today - and He did. darin had sent me these great verses about crying out to God - so i did. i wrote down everything i had been feeling and what i so desperately wanted God to do and He answered through this song. i had this thought - of God's love being like a firm grip on my life - something that i cannot shake. it is powerful, secure, unyielding, intense, fervent. i usually see His love as such a gentle, caring thing. and while it is that, today i realized that it's so much more. that He has a hold of me within that love and that He is not letting me go anywhere. i still feel sort of melancholy. but it sure feels good to be aware of His presence.
Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
selfishness is the worst
September 03 2005
and as far as prayers go you can add me to that list as well. i don't know what the deal is but i am having the hardest time lately. it is so frustrating. i know that the devil knows my weakest points - and, gosh darnit, if he hasn't hit me the hardest in those areas right now... it's awful. i don't usually ask for encouragement, but if you've got something right now i'd be okay with that. i feel so lost, lonely, unwanted... and i know it's satan. i know it is. i keep getting ahold of that for a little bit, but then i just lose it again. i need to conquer it. but i'm not there yet. it's a completely selfish thing. i know that. and i hate it. but i can't get on top of it.
life is not all bad, though. don't get my wrong. some really awesome things are happening - as always. that just seems to lurk in the back of my mind... and perhaps over my heart... and comes out frequently. for now i have laundry to do. and homework. and i'd like to get my room put together. and it's free weekends, maybe i need to make a few phone calls home... and to OKC of course. and florida. why are my friends so far away??
home sweet home.
August 24 2005
however... if you could pray for my family, that would be great... my great-grandmother (mom's side) is dying - we got the call sunday. she's in her 90's... been very sick for as long as i can remember... so it's really a relief, just a lot of things to take care of and such. my grandma takes care of my grandpa full time so it's hard for her to leave him and take care of her dying mother... especially without feeling bad. soooo... ANYHOW! prayers would be great, thanks!
more on this trip to come.....
the best on the PLANET.
August 15 2005
photo from bouclee
so. ever since junior year of high school, when i heard about this magical place that was just out of my reach... and then the seniors went there... i've had this dream of the day when my life would be completed, and i would get to go to cedar point. heck yeah i went to "the best theme park on the planet"!! :) and it was awesome. lemme tell you about it...
first of all, it was a gorgeous day. i only got slightly toasted, which is a pretty big feat for me. darin and i went to sandusky with his mom, kady, and brady... and it was a blast! we started with Millenium Force...
photo from bouclee
and i would have to agree. fast, smooth, thrilling... definitely a good one! the newest addition to the largest amusement ride park in the world is maXair...
photo from bouclee
kind of an interesting way to turn your stomach in knots... swingin from a gigantic pendulum while rotating counter-clockwise. 70mph. 140ft. definitely unique. but not quite as unique as the WickedTwister
the incredible shrinking room
August 09 2005
so yeah. the next few days are exciting! saturday i'm sure i'll have lots of catching up with life to do. and sunday carla and lashlee are coming!!!!!!!!! they stay till thursday when darin and i travel back with them to tennessee! :) where we will stay until we leave the next saturday to pick up his sister, kady, in michigan before heading back to school!.......
follow that? holycow. life is insane. great! but insane!
back to hanging clothes and stuffing corners. this room is tiny....
never a good image.
August 08 2005
photo from bouclee
ohmygosh. mom. i gotta go. [click]
excuse me, miss, do you know how fast you were going?
[shaking ridiculously] no, sir, i have no idea
well, i clocked you going over 20 over
um. okay. [still shaking, and in disbelief]
are you okay? can you take a deep breath for me? i need you to calm down
no, i'm okay. i really had no idea i was going that fast. are you sure?
yes. i see you have tennessee plates. what brings you here?
oh. i go to olivet.
oh. you like it?
yes sir.
i also saw you were talking on your cell phone. it's a new law that under 18 can't do that. but i guess olivet makes you older than that. so i just wanted to check. be careful on those things though
yes sir.
well, miss, i'm going to need to see your license and insurance card. have you had any written warnings or tickets recently?
oh yes. [shaking so badly i can't even get my insurance card out of my wallet.]
i figured as much. okay. here, let me help you with that. it'll be okay. let me just go back here and check on a few things.
HOURS LATER, now in tears...
well, what brought you to onu, cassie?
um. i wanted to go to a christian school. my parents and brother went here.
what's your major?
english education.
high school, huh? interested in youth ministry?
yes sir. i even took a couple classes. just for the knowledge.
you like christian music?
yes sir. expecially worship.
did you go to shinefest?
no sir. i was actually out of town.
oh. well, you should have gone. i took my wife and son and it was great. if i told you that i wouldn't give you a ticket would you promise to go next year?
what? really?
no, just kidding. but you really should go.
do you think you deserve a ticket today, cassie?
of course. i really didn't think i was going that fast, but i was still breaking the law either way. i deserve one. i just REALLY don't want one.
well, i really don't want to give you one. i see the shape you're in and feel kinda bad for you. but listen, see that subdivision over there? that's where i live. so my wife and son could pull out of there at any time. will you slow down for their sake?
oh yes sir. i'm so sorry.
good. it's okay. and i'm gonna let you go today. you can start breathing now. it was good to meet you. good luck with teaching high school. and keep God first.
whew. God takes care of me. and sometimes in ridiculous ways. wow. :)
calm yourself.
August 06 2005
for now, here is a picture for your enjoyment. or maybe just mine. introducing...
photo from bouclee
(giant beans, right??)
aubree the poetic genius
July 28 2005
heather and i are driving to tennessee tonight and i am EXCITED! (though quite disappointed that aubree is refusing to come)...
my shoulders are peeling in a really strange way. i'd like to take a picture, but nothing around me has that ability, so just imagine.. i dunno... a very freckle-ly child (say, me when i was younger).. except all those freckles are white. ok, this is a bad visual. it's weird, that's all i'm saying.
my summer friend, aubree, writes these amazing poems that generally describe our time at work. you should check them out here
they'll make your day. leave her a comment. tell her to switch to phusebox. make poetic requests. whatever. just read it and laugh. and have a fantastic friday!! :)
oh! AND! pray that i don't get a speeding ticket tonight... dad sent me a warning... looks like tennessee troopers are crackin down. and i thought it was bad before...!
working girls
July 26 2005
besides. i LOVE the girls here. so it's worth it. tell you what - God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. this summer has been amazing. and after this spring, it was so desperately needed. yet i did nothing to deserve it. this is the "Father" image of God for me. ultimate provider. i don't necessarily need these girls to survive... but what an amazingly gracious gift! kelly informed us today that this may be her last day. i'm not real thrilled. but she gets to leave and do super fun things, so i'm happy for her. :) it's a good feeling to be disappointed that someone's not going to be around. well, kinda. you know what i mean
"Lance" does not = Armstrong! (cuz he's a bad man.)
July 25 2005
tall, handsome, former college basketball player, harvard grad, missionary, and single at 31 --- lance archibald. and his friends (aka -"Team DateLance") are out to "save" him... check this out:
they've even purchased billboards. i've got a boyfriend, so i'm gonna have to pass. but i thought i'd get this out there for any of you who are looking to join leah and heather soon. (cough::carla::)
tonight was more fun with aubree and heather... up in orland... i stepped out on a limb and bought some interesting new shoes which will debut at sarah's wedding this weekend. and we ate chipotle! mmm...
speaking of sarah's wedding - i'll be home this weekend!! :) can't wait for country music, sweet tea, and hills. not to mention family and long lost friends! ahhh... i love it!
it's a hundred degrees here. seriously - this weekend it broke 100... i can't imagine what it feels like at home! last night the toothpaste was just melting off the windows...